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Comment Re:FDE on Android doesn't work as of yet (Score 1) 124

If the system required you to enter the FDE-password whenever you open up the screen then how would background-processes, like e.g. SMS-receiving, chat and such stuff work? They'd only be able to access the disk when you have the display open and that'd obviously make the whole thing unuseable as a smartphone in the first place.

I get your point, but I disagree on the part where you write that background operations need the disk or else they can't possibly work at all. Current smartphones are not designed to work without accessing the disk, that's true, but in theory 1GB of RAM is plenty for processes like polling a chat server or SMS to run entirely in it.

Comment Good news (Score 4, Informative) 30

Jolla phone user here. The killer feature for me, besides the ability to run Android apps, is the security aspect (none of the Big Three mobile OS makers gets my data). (And, on top of it, I can brag "my mobile phone arrived with vim and git preinstalled".) I am pretty satisfied with the OS as it is, but it could use a few more quality-of-life improvements and native features (the mail app mainly). This new project is good news, because it will help them grow, gain popularity and find a niche to fill in the mobile OS market, but I hope this won't take resources away from the regular development.

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