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Comment Re:Original cablegate links? (Score 2) 185

So far this is the only reference I can find:

On June 24 servers in China were virally infected, causing them to redirect computers attempting to reach Google pages to an unknown web site. These attacks made Google services unavailable to many Chinese users for approximately 24 hours, and caused the company to lose 20% of its traffic on that day.

Comment Re:Internet Eyes charges its viewers to report cri (Score 1) 419

So is this a bad idea? The usually arguments are that CCTV cameras reduce privacy and when state controlled gives more power to the state (Schneier says this is the case even if the CCTV data is generally available).

However in this case, the state isn't holding the data. It's being acquired from private sources. It doesn't appear to be aggregated. It doesn't seem like you could using it for stalking. Is there a problem here?

Comment Re:Passing this data back to the scientist (Score 1) 101

The raw images from the device alone can take up this much space. 8 lanes, 300 imaging regions (tiles) per lane. Each imaged 4 times (one for each base/channel). A typical run is 37 cycles (base pairs), paired end runs (now typical) double this so:

8*300*4*37*2 =710400

On a GA1 those files are 2mb each, giving you around a terabyte and a half of of primary data to process. Image analysis takes place processing those files in to "intensity files". Those are further processed in to corrected intensities, then basecalls. Each of these steps produces a similar number of files. Some details of the process here: http://sgenomics.org/mediawiki/upload/8/80/Pipeline.pdf

Those numbers are for a GA1, the current version of the instrument has less imaging regions (100). However cycle length has increased (typically now 75+ bp).
As a side note all the tools used are "shared source" and not available under an open source license. There is a project called Swift which is an open source tool to do this: http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/btp383

Comment Re:No - there are plenty of safer alternatives (Score 1) 486

It's the C programming language which is at fault here. Arrays in C aren't really arrays, they're just pointers. Most modern languages (such as D, which all C++ programmers should investigate) have bounds checking on actual arrays.

D has bounds checking on primitives? That doesn't seem like a great idea, must have a significant performance impact. Sure it prevents buffer under/overruns, but if you want to do that use a container class which does bounds checking.

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