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Comment Re:Mexico Vaccinates Better Than The US (Score 4, Insightful) 387

" I have an aversion to people taking from our country and giving nothing back."

You have to be careful with making statements like that .e.g.

do you ever buy from places that use aliens as cheap labor to keep prices low?
do you pay every cent of tax you are supposed to?
the Rich are bigger freeloaders than the aliens because they don't pay their fair share of personal tax and do their best to avoid it.
Global companies do their level best to avoid paying any tax.

Aliens are a very small part of any problem

Comment Re:Gimmick (Score 1) 243

errr.. can you explain that more, the coffee hasn't kicked in yet. My body moves to the right when turning left (especially at speed), i have to lean left when turning left. I drive a right hand drive car. Maybe its different for left hand drive cars.

Comment Re:Keep ignoring the Scriptures..... (Score 1) 148

definitely a good post for the gullible. i look briefly at one of those and this was in the first sentence "fasting is abstaining from food, drink, sleep or sex to focus on a period of spiritual growth" - abstain from water during your fast for 3/4 days and you'd be in serious trouble http://www.livescience.com/323...

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