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Comment Re:So? Old news. (Score 1) 53

> Or are there enough people out there who have been exposed within three days and are as of yet symptom free?

Well that number seems to be increasing every day. So that is a positive um right?

Actually I think the way you do it is with a double blind in a population that is already likely to be exposed, or likely to be exposed soon.... then watch for whether the people vaccinated with the real deal vs the placbo get infected at higher rates.

Since you don't even know if it works, its not like you are actually withholding treatement on those with the placebo, and its a population you expect to have some cases anyway. So if it works, it could protect some of the population and allow for others.... if it doesn't work, any new risks they are exposed to are only from the drug itself, as long as you can weigh that against the risk and outcomes of ebola infection.....

Essentially I think the only viable population is medical professionals themselves who work with Ebola patients, and family of patients who just recently brought their family member to the clinic. That is mostly because any cases that are found have to be isolates asap and so there is no possibility for any real control group outside the clinics/centers.

Comment Re: Unconstitutinal (Score 1) 376

> Rushing a red light is bad, but it is not always more dangerous than exceeding the speed limit.

This is true, but what is really most annoying about this whole issue is.... there is already, and has been for MANY YEARS a better solution, and its very simple.

All you need to do to virtually eliminate the kinds of accidents that happen from light running is.... to delay the green slightly. Put in a 2 second delay between one road getting the red and the other getting the green. Done. Do people still rush lights? Yes they do....but.... a lot less collisions.

Once again showing where tightening regulations and enforcing them even more strictly is not always the best solution in fact, its a bone headed one.

Comment Re:Good Job NRC (Score 1) 66

Well, I agree there is probably little of value there, however, I think you are missing what documents of value they do have. Specifically, information about their inspection program and any investigations they may be doing. That is data that, at least theoretically, has value to the subjects of any investigation or inspection.

Whether it is of real value or whether they would actually pay for it (or hire someone to get it) is another question entirely. I would have no problem believing that a few times a year someone breaks into their systems hoping to find something like that which they could turn around and sell... I am more doubtful that its a very profitable endeavor.

Comment Re:our presidents origin story (Score 1) 115

No the fallacy is yours in assume I made a claim I didn't. Yes it would be fallacy to claim that because it happens here it must happen everywhere but, there is ample evidence this sort of corruption has happened everywhere humans have had the chance to be corrupt. My own evidence of it going on is only one small confirmation in a several thousand year long history of people using whatever power they are given to their own advantage.

Comment Re:our presidents origin story (Score 2) 115

This. I live in MA, and its no different here. Hell, they caught one of our state reps on camera actually stuffing an envelope of cash in her bra. A business my wife used to work at owned the building they were in, right in south boston. They applied for a permit to get a roof deck; and were asked straight out for a bribe to make it happen, when they refused.... so was their permit. This shit goes on everywhere.

Comment Re:Tear It Down (Score 1) 98

Well I hate to play devil's advocate for the law but, there is a major difference between duhvelopers and muggers.

Muggers tend to work alone or with an accomplice with little whereas Duhvelopers are actually organized groups with policies, rules, and procedures. Muggers don't sit down before they go out for the evening and come up with a business plan; they don't tend to get anyone to insure their project either.

You don't even need to make duhvelopers care. You need to make insurance companies care, then they will make the duhvelopers care by refusing to insure projects.

Comment Re:Now this is funny. (Score 1) 109

Oh its terrible. If the sound is on so I can hear the story, its generally a good laugh. If the sound is off (like at the coffee shop I stop at on my way to work most days) then its maybe 2 out of 3 stories where I can even tell what they are talking about from CC text alone. It must be infuriating to try and watch the news for an actual deaf person.

Comment Re: Psycho Pass (Score 1) 146

> You basically get stopped and if you calm down they let you go.

I wasn't aware that testing people for the ability to calm down was so important. Guess fuck anyone with an anxiety disorder. Only a couple of them anyway, and as long as they can be quiet about it no harm no foul right? So what if they experience a little personal hell for ....

> The I important thing to remember is 99% of the time it's going to be a false positive

99% is one time in a 100 is not a false positive? I have trouble believing even that is anything but a gross underestimate. Maybe 99.9999% or more. Since each crowd contains only a whole number of terrorists, the average crowd contains exactly 0 of them, so every single detained person is a false positive.... making it really 100%.

Maybe it will someday luck out and catch a terrorist, but it wont be before the number of people detained has been lost count of.

Comment Re:Often? Black market? WTF? (Score 1) 66

spot on. I mean sure, there must be some "market" as in someone at some point has wanted to buy some material and someone at some point wanted to sell some. Personally I suspect the market is a lot more a few people who "have some radioactive material and see dollar signs in their eyes" and thus might seek out a scientist to check it out than any sort of real market.

Just because someone has something he thinks he can sell to someone doesn't mean he has or ever will have a buyer.

Comment Re:Except.... (Score 1) 146

As stupid as I think this is, its a valid point. In fact, I highly doubt any terrorist foot soldiers are sociopaths.

What sociopath would risk his own life for a cause? That isn't a very sociopath thing to do. The place for the sociopath is planning the attack and finding the ideological folks to carry it out.

The actual low level terrorists are more likely disaffected and pissed. Fathers and sons who see themselves as getting revenge for a killed family member, for know.... the kind of people a sociopath can talk into doing something for him.

Comment Re:Is there a way to cheat ? (Score 1) 146

> whereas this camera operates by recording a persons "aura," for lack of a more scientific term.

Aura? Seriously? No. Not even close. It works by looking for small fluxuations in skin color that result from changes in blood flow. This same technique has been investigated as a tool for medical use as well.

I am pretty sure that clenching your anal sphincter, or any other muscle in your body, will result in changes in blood flow. Actually given how poor most people's motor control actually is, it will probably result in you clenching several other muscles and likely holding your breath momentarily (seriously, try it, also, try taking a dump without holding your breath as you push, it takes some practice....)

> All this camera is going to catch are the people with high blood pressure, and those of us who get nervous
> around cops.

On this you are spot on....along with people who:
- just had a fight with their wife
- have kids failing classes
- just lost their job
- are on their way to a job interview
- just got a cancer diagnosis
- have an irrational fear of travel

Comment Re:What does MY money smell like? (Score 3, Interesting) 158

Actually she did fill out the form. Its just that the number she gave verbally didn't match. I don't know about you, but I consider it unreasonable to expect people to be able to randomly come up with and remember numbers like that since... well I know a lot of humans and evidence shows its something most of us are terrible at....and many people at the age of 78 have particular trouble with.

And...well...fuck the law. There is no reason for this law, I personally judge it unjust and personally hold that against every person who chooses to continue doing a job that involves enforcing such a law. In my eyes they are the criminals and she is innocent.

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