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Comment Re:This makes me feel safe (Score 2) 357

It's already happened, multiple times. Shoe bomber. Underwear bomber.

Yep, they'll try. Some people will try anything. But the game's different now. You had a virtual guarantee of success up until 9/11 plane #3. After that, the slightest error and you're more likely to go down in history as the loser guy who got stomped.

Yep, organisations like HAMAS who used to take over planes to exert political pressure must be pissed at Al Queada. Before they used to be able to take over a plane and have everyone placidly sit there whilst they get one of their buddies freed from a western jail. Now they're just going to get ganked.

I think it was Bruce Schneier who said the only two security improvements that came out of 11 September are that the cockpit door is locked and passengers will fight back.

Comment Re:Government union workers (Score 1) 357

So do CEOs and politicians.

And consultants.

Anyone who thinks unions are the biggest rort around has never done seen an IT consultancy working on time and materials with nebulous goals managed by a PM that doesn't give a shit... and this happens more often than anyone is comfortable admitting.

Comment Re:Be nice to the secretaries (Score 1) 583

Secretaries can make your life miserable, if you piss them off. Usually via office politics and gossip. Then again, they also happily stab their "friends" in the back, so avoiding them is your best bet.

This, that being said 90% of them are OK and just want to be treated like a human being.

There are three people in the office you should never piss off.
1. Secretary/receptionist - You depend on this person for so many low level functions that can make your life a living hell, everything from supplying stationary to mail to taking accurate messages.
2. Helpdesk/Sysadmin - Again, you depend on this person for a lot of low level functions needed just to do your job. Also IT staff are vindictive (trust me, I am a sysadmin), annoy them at your own peril.
3. Bookkeeping/Accountant - Forget what your boss said, these are the people who actually sign your pay cheque. They do the pay runs and if there are every any problems, they're someone you want to like you enough to help you immediately.

Comment Re: 1 thing (Score 1) 583

Then you lose your offer when you're asked for a recent pay stub.

Then perhaps you short-circuit this from happening altogether, and instead pose the question of relevance when current salary is queried.

Pay stubs can also be fabricated.

That being said, in the country where I live it's illegal for a recruiter or other employer to ask to see your payment summaries, so I can lie as much as I like. The problem in Australia is that recruiters tend to try to beat you down and tell you that you're not worth that much (as well as excuses like "well the market has changed" and "GFC"). I drop these recruiters like a hot rock as soon as they start feeding me lines.

Comment Re:Negotiating when desperate (Score 2) 583

My advice to a newbie is to never be a position where you can't say _NO_.

Great advice but not always possible. Sometimes life just isn't very kind to some people. Worst thing is it's pretty easy to get trapped

The thing is, 90% of people who get trapped, get trapped through their own bad choices. They buy an expensive car they can barely afford, they put everything on credit, they have personal loans for consumption, spend too much money keeping up with the Joneses (by spend money, I mean use credit) and all of a sudden when something bad happens they're up to their eyeballs in debt with few assets to show for it and little to no money in the bank.

Whilst the proliferation of easy credit shoulders a lot of the blame, a significant amount still falls onto the shoulders of the credit addled. They could say "no" when the bank offers them an easy loan. They could say "no" I dont need an expensive car. They could say "no" to credit and pay cash/debit at the store.

I have $12K of cash in the bank as an emergency fund only, I keep that so I never have to touch my investments if the shit hits the fan. $12K is enough to cover over 6 months of my expenses if I lose my job. It would suck if I lost my job and had a $4K credit card bill due in 28 days, fortunately I dont (I also haven't had a car loan since my 2nd car).

Comment Re:$commentSubject (Score 1) 144

Yep. I agree that we should rely more on societal norms moderating peoples' actions rather than using the law for absolutely every last little instance. He got fired from his place of employment after posting a staged photo of him holding a knife to a co-workers throat.

That said, when you cross into actual, physical violence, or direct threats, the law can and should come down on you. One of his posts in question was actually talking about the difference between direct threats and speaking in a meta sense about threats. I've quoted that above in another post.

The problem with societal norms is that the norm is the dictate of whoever is in power at the time. There have been a lot of societies where what we would consider backwards and barbaric are the societal norm, hell even 50 years ago it was considered a societal norm to beat your wife or force black people to sit at the back of the bus.

"Societal norm" is simply a nice way of saying "tyranny of the majority". The problem is, people who are different dont like tyranny. As much as many hate to admit it, enforcement of societal norm creates the kind of monsters that do school shootings.

Now as for the law, the law gets very specific about what you cant say, not about what you can say and its also gets very specific about the circumstances which you say it. In other words, the court considers context. If I were to post on ./ that I'd like to shoot Tony Abbott it wouldn't get a second look, if I were to send the same message to the Prime Minister of Australia, someone will take a look at it and I may even be charged.

Comment Re:Still needs another vulnerability (Score 1) 82

"Just this space where you can hide and survive an OS wipe and reinstall." IF the user only put the unit to sleep and then woke it. Simply turning off the unit for a short time before OS wipe and reinstall defeats this potential hole.

I am betting that Windows, BSD, and Linux have a similar vulnerability lurking.

IF they're on the same hardware. This is a vulnerability with the EFI on Apple computers. Because the hardware and firmware are different the same vulnerability is likely not exist with the EFI on IBM servers.

Also you're wrong about turning it off for a short time. This is basically the same as the flaws that lead to the old BIOS viruses. As malware can hide in the EFI it doesn't care what you do with the OS as the EFI is completely independent of it.

Comment Re:Still needs another vulnerability (Score 1) 82

So to summarize: as a user, you can sometimes write to EFI memory.

That's currently all there is to it. There's no rootkit, there's no malware, etc. Just this space where you can hide and survive an OS wipe and reinstall.

Yes - it is a vulnerability for which there is no exploit published (yet).

This vulnerability is serious, as it allows an attacker to permanently infect the Mac *firmware* and gain control each time the Mac is booted - even if you nuke and reinstall OS X.

You may try to dismiss this as "still needs another vulnerability". Another vulnerability or even a social engineering attack, evil maid attack will all suffice. This one can be used to take permanent, undetected residence on successfully exploited macs.

That's bad in my book

Hey, dont try to use logic and reason here.

Comment Re:Maybe this will end "extreme" couponing (Score 1) 90

I hate those people and their giant binders of coupons. Why? Because if you get stuck behind one in line, they double or triple the wait time.

As someone who has had to work a register with those assholes so do we the cashiers, especialy when they try to argue with your managers for 15 minutes about store policy and combined coupons tying up lines.

I've seen two cases on how this was solved.

The first was when an assistant manager came up and said "Please stand over here so that we can continue to serve other people", he ranted and raved about how much business the store would lose but I can practically guarantee that the store would have seen more repeat business from the others in that line.

The second was another customer pushing past them and telling them to naff off when they complained that they were in line. The guy did ask nicely for the couponer to move along first, then just shoved him out of the way. Australians tend to have little patience for the kind of person who likes to hold up lines.

Comment Re:This is why we need O/S Level control (Score 1) 144

I really do wish Google and Apple would get off their asses and let things like individual privilege access into the mainstream, such as being able to deny access to your contact list. For example, /p>

Why would they do that?

Remember that both Apple and Google make money by collecting your information and selling it (at least Google gives you some assurance it's anonymised before sale). Why would they want to make it harder to do this.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 144

now, I had nothing against uber before hearing this; but now, I won't be caught dead inside one of their cars, now. this 'war on your customers' is nothing I care to help fund or support!

With the way Uber acts, why did you think this wouldn't happen?

The way they thumb their nose at the law means that its a safer assumption to assume that they will do arse-hattery like this. Uber is in the business of making money and your data is worth money. They are not honest businessmen who care about the reputation of their business, regulations designed to protect you or their customers in general.

I've never installed the Uber app, I took one look at the permissions it requested and figured out it was a data mining operation.

I've said it since the begining. The only thing Uber has going for it is the irrational hate people seem to have of taxis... Whilst they've capitalised on that fantasitcally, soon people will realise they've got all the same problems as traditional taxis and a few that traditional taxis dont have... Like this one.

Comment Re:Missing the 'why' of it. (Score 1) 156

A police bullpen or typing pool may be fine in a big open area. The same goes for sales and marketing types. However, if you're talking about any work which requires stretches of concentrated effort then it's just a Bad Idea. Engineers? No. Programmers? No. Accountants? No. Any kind of researcher? No.

This, different jobs have different requirements. Personally I hate open plan, but I find that if I can communicate quickly with my team it's very helpful. The problem is listening to everyone one else communicating with their team. Having been sat right next to sales, I'd rather be stuck in the dreariest, boxiest cube farm ever devised by Catbert, the evil director of human resources. Sales never shuts up, ever.

the lower real estate costs

Its not real estate, its tax.

Certainly in Australia, a partition is not considered furniture, it's considered part of the building so the cost cant be amortised or depreciated as quickly as the desks and chairs (IIRC furniture is 3 years, walls have to be depreciated over 40).

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