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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 5 declined, 0 accepted (5 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Chasing it: What's the next market bubble? 1

klenwell writes: "During my adult lifetime, we've had the dotcom bubble (and collapse) followed now by the housing bubble (and collapse). With markets in disarray, now is perhaps the time to start focusing on the next bubble. For once the markets have readjusted themselves, there will be just as much loose capital as ever looking for a fix.

My money's (not literally) on energy:

A friend of mine with whom I was discussing this recently pointed out that it's not necessarily easy for most ordinary people to get into the energy — or energy futures — market. I noted that the same could have been said, to a large extent, of stocks and homes before the last two bubbles. Indeed, it was the financial and technological innovations allowing the general public to get in on the action that really freed speculation. And I imagine many of the world's sharpest minds are already at work coming up with a solution to whatever problems of access are holding down the next bubble.

What do you think will be the next speculative market bubble?

User Journal

Submission + - The Internet Without Al Gore

klenwell writes: This is a question sure to stir up some reasoned debate, still I was wondering...

Al Gore takes a lot of flack in certain quarters for his (misquoted) title as "inventor of the internet". Nevertheless, he was crucial in the development of its infrastructure and its growth as a mass media platform. See for instance: #Influence_on_the_Internet

Question: where do you think the internet and world wide web would be today if the current administration had been in power during its critical formative period in the early to mid 1990s?

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