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Comment Re:funny we can't shutoff computers anymore (Score 2) 106

I shutdown my gaming PC all the time, sometimes for weeks or even months at a time (if I get into a console game instead). I've never lost data on it except when the painter left the heater on and then proceeded to open all the doors and windows downstairs while simultaneously closing my office door. When I got home, it was like an oven in there, and the SSD lost all data, but when I reformatted and reinstalled it it continues to work to this day.

Comment Re:Worst summary ever (Score 2) 55

Actually, you couldn't be more wrong.

It absolutely IS the same as "guilty until proven innocent". MegaUpload is gone permanently, even if Kim Dotcom is ultimately found 100% innocent. Any money he would have made off his potentially legal service (remember, he WAS responding to DMCA requests) is now gone for years and is never coming back, again, even IF he is found innocent.

And Kent Hovind, head of a Creationist ministry currently on trial for structuring and tax evasion, was found in contempt of court for filing a lis pendens ON HIS OWN PROPERTY to prevent it from being sold by the government despite the fact that his trial is still going on!

And in the US, cops have seized over $2.5 billion since 9/11 in cases WITH NO SEARCH WARRANT OR INDICTMENT! Only in 7% of those cases was ANY money returned at all.

So, yeah, you can keep believing that seizures are great if you like, but it's a factually untenable argument.

Comment Re:Salespeople making salespitch (Score 0) 387

I would rather my kids learn to program than to learn Trigonometry or Calculus, which have proven to be completely useless in my life.

Why we teach everyone years and years of math(s) they'll never use instead of something that many people could use is beyond me. Save that stuff for aerospace majors.

Comment Re:call me skeptical (Score 5, Informative) 190

He already said that this paragraph is taken out of context and that he didn't do it (on a real plane). Basically, he's saying the FBI is lying. Shouldn't be too surprising considering how many times they've lied to the courts recently, but hopefully a jury pays attention to all that.

Comment A Data Point (Score 1) 184

As a data point, at work I took an 80GB Intel SSD from the IT guys' desk drawer (I needed it for a project and that's all he had available as he had a bulk order out). He told me it would probably be blank, since he hadn't used it in over a year. I found a whole PC worth of data on there which I had to format. He was surprised and until reading this article, I really didn't understand why. At least in my case, everything was there and could be read just fine, over a year after it had been written. It was in a 70F office both while in use and in storage.

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