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Hackers Briefly Controlled US Government Satellites 261

Orome1 writes "Two U.S. satellites have been tampered with by hackers — possibly Chinese ones — in 2007 and 2008, claims a soon-to-be released report by the the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. The two satellites, Landsat-7 and Terra AM-1, had been interfered with on four separate occasions, allowing the attackers to be in command of the satellites for two to over twelve minutes each time. Luckily, both of the satellites are used only for observing the Earth's climate and terrain, and the hackers never actually misused their control over them in any way."

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 437

"Why do these dinosaur publishing businesses still manage to thrive despite the Internet?"

Because development, editing, and marketing--and even distribution--have value and take skill to do well.

Less than the publishers believe or would like, perhaps, but more than the /. crowd gives them credit.

Ok, what part of this makes these e-books cost more than the paper version? Most of these are common between the two versions.

Is it the labor and material costs associated with printing? I don't think that the e-book will require more paper and labor than the print version. Is it distribution? Trucking boxloads of paper around is less expensive than spitting electrons down a wire? Advertising? I don't remember seeing special ads for the e-book versions.

Why should the e-book cost more than a paperback?

Comment Re:Too bad we don't have rules to deal with this (Score 1) 839

I actually got to see the city people out and about with their picks and what-not cleaning the snow out - had never thought about that being needed until a recent storm. The hoods over the lights I saw did have open bottoms. Unfortunately, the snow managed to build up in there anyways, probably not unlike how I had an couple of inches sticking to the side of my car. (That's my own darn fault for not parking in the garage...)

Comment Re:Carrier plan bundling (Score 1) 176

Will they really need a carrier subsidy? We've been able to get netbooks at retail in the $300 range; rather than drop the price over time, they up the specs to hold at that price point. If components continue to drop in price or increase in capability, shouldn't the specs that were hinted at be possible at the $300 price point without a mobile carrier?

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