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Comment Re:Most powerful? (Score 5, Interesting) 241

The fact that they even attempted to DDoS EC2 shows they are nothing more than script kiddies. EC2 is not a PIII in Amazon's broom closest. It's a large scale server infrastructure designed by some of the smartest hackers in the world explicitly to withstand incredibly high traffic. Any legitimate hacker could have explained that to them, but they managed to get well passed the planning stage of their little DDoS with not a single one of them mentioning it?

Submission + - GitHub hacked (

MrSeb writes: "Over the weekend, developer Egor Homakov exploited a gaping vulnerability in GitHub that allowed him (or anyone else with basic hacker know-how) to gain administrator access to projects such as Ruby on Rails, Linux, and millions of others. GitHub uses the Ruby on Rails application framework, and Rails has been weak to what’s known as a mass-assignment vulnerability for years. Basically, Homakov exploited this vulnerability to add his public key to the Rails project on GitHub, which then meant that GitHub identified him as an administrator of the project. From here, he could effectively do anything, including deleting the entire project from the web; instead, he posted a fairly comical commit. GitHub summarily suspended Homakov, fixed the hole, and, after 'reviewing his activity,' he has been reinstated. Homakov could've gained administrative access to the master branch of any project on GitHub and deleted the history, committed junk, or closed or opened tracker tickets."

Submission + - Usage of copyleft licenses on the rise (

paxcoder writes: John Sullivan, executive director of the Free Software Foundation, spoke at FOSDEM 2012 a few days ago about free software licensing trends. For his talk titled Is Copyleft Being Framed?, Sullivan researched publicly available Debian packages' information, and found that the usage of copyleft licenses is rising, compared to the usage of permissive licenses. Despite dedication to permissive licenses by organizations such as Apache, Google and Mozilla, the percentage of packages using licenses in the GPL family rose steadily from 71% in 2005 to a surprisingly high 93% last year, with (L)GPLv3 usage rising as much as 400% between the last two Debian versions.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Young, ambitious, and little experience. What job to search for?

ultimatefish67 writes: I am a recent graduate of a unique major. It's titled Integrated Science and Technology, simply put my studies were a mile wide but an inch deep. After graduating I currently hold an internship position that is part-time with little hopes of it turning into a full-time job. The intern job is to help manage content of a large website via a custom built CMS through which I'm learning the basics of HTML and CSS. My goal is to get more involved in programming and network systems. I know that last sentence was incredibly broad (and likely the sign of an inexperienced person), but I'm also spending my time learning from the ground-up, starting with learning Python. Because the deepest into coding I got in college was an intro to VB and ASP.NET. I do not have the funds to go back and get a CS degree. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, and to make it more definitive, here is my question: Based on my little experience but interest and ambition in the IT field what jobs should I look for that are within my realistic grasp?

Comment Re:Use Namecheap (Score 5, Insightful) 197

I assume you're from Hacker News. I'd be very weary of Namecheap. I personally wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. They have been very dishonest in their dealings with GoDaddy in order to make themselves out to be some David fighting Goliath. In particular, accusing GoDaddy of noncompetitively restricting their whois access. Experts have already confirmed that that's standard practice in the industry to prevent abuse, and honestly, even I, a nonexpert, already knew that. Their making an issue out of it public reeks of dishonesty. As most /.ers will gleefully tell you, no-name domain registrars can be as crooked as a barrel of snakes. If you look in the comments sections of most anti-GoDaddy stories, you'll see plenty of them spamming their SOPASUCKSALLCAPS coupon codes.

My advice to anyone looking for a new registrar is not to go with whomever screams "Screw SOPA! Screw GoDaddy!" the loudest. Do some actually research on who provides quality service and has a long established reputation of not being a snake. I personally like eNom, but there may be better ones out there.

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