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Comment Re:Magnitude scale incorrect on Wikipedia? (Score 1) 276

Oh, right. That's just a mistake. I completely missed that... sorry. I really should be more careful about reading stuff... I thought it was enough to RTFA, but I guess I need to RTFCTIATRT (comment that I'm about to reply to) as well. For the record, it appears that Saturn's max brightness has an apparent magnitude of around -0.3, so it's that it's out of place on the table rather than off by a minus sign.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - 100-foot deep Andes lake disappears

JonathanThurn writes: CNN reports that "a five-acre glacial lake in Chile's southern Andes has disappeared" between March and May of this year. No earthquakes were reported in the area, but scientists speculate that water may have escaped through a fissure in the lake's base. In other news Carmen Sandiago was reported to be in a Spanish-speaking country whose coat of arms includes the condor and the huemul and whose southern-most region includes the Drake Passage. Good luck gumshoes!

Submission + - RSS EULA, Coming soon to a blog near you

wal writes: "JiggleTheCable.org brings up an interesting point about RSS feed composition. How much becomes too much when modifying RSS feeds? Should we be able to change them? Should we be able to add or remove content? Where do we draw the line with intellectual copyright?"

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