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Comment Seems it would be easy to gather entropy.. (Score 4, Insightful) 143

..on a smart phone like the iPhone. Use the gyros/accelerometers, make the user draw randomly on the screen, maybe use random info like wifi network names currently available, generate random info based on images on the phone, etc. etc. Plenty of data/means available to create the entropy needed.

Comment Re:Keynsianomics (Score 0) 398

Always makes me laugh to hear ignorant folks like you spout off like leaving people flapping in the breeze is a good way to do things.

People having 0 income, slowly losing everything they own up to and including a place to live, and being unable to drive anywhere to find jobs or make it to interviews certainly won't increase employment. So tell me, Mr. Smarty Man (or Woman), what's the better way to do things? You're clearly a pillar of economic know how, tell Detroit exactly how to get out of the mess their in.

We're waiting.

Comment Re:Mine. (Score 2) 731

Except you're on *their* site which costs *them* money to run. As much as I hate ads too, I have to admit the reality of the situation. As long as we have money and everything has a cost, nothing will be "free" completely.

So yes, you paid for all of your equipment. But you haven't paid anything to view the content if you block ads. Why do you have absolute right to view it without some kind of compensation to the owner for their costs?

Comment Perhaps it's just that I'm ignorant... (Score 1) 213

...of the specifics, but can someone tell me why it's even possible for something like a fucking font to cause a security issue? I'm not a coder, it's not something I can wrap my head around. I can sometimes get the gist of what a bit of code is doing when I look at it, but that's beside the point. It just seems to me so many things that should not be able to pose a security risk somehow get manipulated into being such risks, and it just blows my mind how it's even possible.

Comment Re:Acrylamide (Score 1) 165

You're being disingenuous and just a little bit hyperbolic. The very article you link clearly points out that humans do not ingest enough acrylamide to be a problem from either a neurological or carcinogenic standpoint.

Comment Re:Why String the Cables from Poles? (Score 1) 291

This, to me, would take it back to the idea that this stuff should be publicly owned and run, and then the smart thing to do would be to run it all before the developments are built, then people don't have anything to bitch about.

Then set it up so that the providers can go one of two ways:
Charge what they want for service, and get charged to use the infrastructure, or be allowed to use the infrastructure for free, but enforce price restrictions on services and require certain speeds be met at minimum per tier, etc.

It can be done, so instead of naysaying and hand wringing and making up reasons why it can't, lets push what we know: yes it can.

Comment Only thing I could see possibly working... (Score 1) 383

...would be with analogy. Upper management don't do everything themselves. They have staff they delegate to. Get them to stop and think what a nightmare they'd be in if they had nobody to delegate to, and had to do all of the work coming at them by themselves. It's the same for IT.

If they try to go "But those other 5 guys..." stop them and point out that that would be like giving them 5 janitors to delegate to. They'd be better than nothing, but not the right fit for the job and a lot still wouldn't get done.

Comment Re:Suck it up, buttercup (Score 1) 383

I love guys like you that say this. Short sighted as hell, and completely unaware that the day will come that you can't run fast enough to keep up and you'll hear rumblings of replacement.

Work smarter, not harder. Your job is only secure if you can maintain things. If you're running just to stand still, you're doing it wrong, and like OP, most IT crews of entities like this are either there, or on the verge of it.

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