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Comment Re:Why do the complicated expensive solution? (Score 1) 870

We'll have to agree to disagree. IMHO -- Remembering tedious factoids and formulas isn't learning, it is memorizing. Understanding any given subject- including the sciences -means comprehending concepts, not memorizing look-ups.

"Don't let education get in the way of your learning"-- Mark Twain

Comment Re:Why do the complicated expensive solution? (Score 3, Insightful) 870

--If they have to consult their notes for every question (regardless of format) then they should fail the test because they don't understand the material adequately.

So, are you saying that if someone cannot remember formulas and other detail type of information then they don't understand the material?

I disagree. There are many people who grasp very sophisticated concepts and need their "notes" to remember the formulas, etc to handle the math etc.

Einstein himself failed math, and was quoted as saying "Never commit to memory what you can look up." I doubt very much he would have passed your tests.

Comment Calculators (Score 1) 870

I didn't see this covered in a prior post (not that I searched diligently ;) ), but if you rquire a certain calculator in your syllabus, the college bookstore will stock them, and student aid will pay for them. And I'd like to say kudos on the open notes exams.

Comment Re:eCoupled and Amway (Score 1) 48

I disagree that Amway or Quixtar (Amway Online) are shady businesses. I would however agree that there are those who misuse their business model and give them a bad rap.

The part I don't like that has to do with this particular topic is that if Amway is to be the sole distributor of any future products then distribution will be limited to Amway Distributors, which limits access to those products.

If they came out with viable product, it would suck to have to go through Amway to get it. They charge too much and unless you use Quixtars' site you have to find a distributor to buy from.

And no, I am not a distributor, but I did become one when I was younger, I just never renewed. Not worth it for me. That's how I know there are plenty of honest Amway Distributors who make an honest living at it.

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Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. -- Henry David Thoreau
