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Comment Re:Experimental aircraft (Score 1) 201

ITAR applies if you buy part from the US. If you buy only equipment from non-US source, you don't need to follow ITAR. This regulation was to protect the US spce industry, and to measure the success of this smart ID, you can take a look of some of the platform offered by european/french satellite manufacturer. They offer for some of them an ITAR-free version, with 0 parts coming from the US.

Comment Re:That's sad (Score 2) 65

I'm not a rocket engineer (never done rockets, I'm more in satellites) but I guess that the antenna are trying to point toward the third planet around this brightest star, not the star itself.

And I would say that it's easier to implement a robust (with respect to sensor/actuator failure) pointing system with software than with analog hardware. But that's just a guess, feel free to propose me a good hardware design for that. (in fact that's not true for everything, you can have a gravity gradient stabilisation with no software at all, and spin stabilisation, but you still need software to change/control the spin axis)

Comment Re:should slashdot be asking if the U.S. should bo (Score 1) 659

The problem I have, is that this is happening 5000 miles away. Not my problem, let their neighbours deal with it.

Anyone (with money) can reach any point on the planet in 24 hours. Several countries can nuke any point in the planet in hours. You can communicate with half of the humans almost instantaneously. I think that on earth, every country is neighbours with every other.

Comment Re:should slashdot be asking if the U.S. should bo (Score 1) 659

We have a dedicated organization to handle such matters - UN. If UN reaches a conclusion that military operation is the only way to proceed and then turns to US to get military help, only then should US start to think about bombing anything or anybody.

When was the last time that the UN reached a conclusion ? I agree that UN should be the place to do it, but the way UN works does not work. Maybe the countries should try to reorganize this stuff, and remove stuff like permanent seats and the veto power.

Comment Re:Real tragedy (Score 1) 226

I have started my career as an immigrant in France, and I should stay that the country is great. The only problem is that a small subset of French are racist. I have lived in Toulouse (great area with great people) and in the French Riviera (beautiful area, sea, mountain not too far, but people not that cool (not all) and too much tourists/traffic/... during summer) I'm not in France anymore but if have the opportunity to get back there for an interesting job, I would consider it. (and my job there was better than my current job, if you consider the technical part of the job. But less paid)

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