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Comment Re:Maybe useful for other things, but... (Score 1) 104

You do realize that a 48-24 hour window is better then nothing (even for a multiple hiroshima level blast, you could have enough time to get out of the way via land vehicle...assuming your making some good miles). Also, information gathered is cumulative. It might be a near miss that may very well turn into a strike within the next few year(s) did this short sighted argument ever get modded insightful...

Comment Even Shakespeare said it: "whats in a name?" (Score 1) 197

Seriously though, the name has always gotten chuckles and odd looks to the non geek when mentioned. I remember once mentioning "shebang" whilst describing something to a coworker. Just as I mentioned it a women non-geek coworker passed by and gave me a look like "you perv". I have no idea who comes up with these names, but I say keep them coming. : p

Comment Really? Ok lets do some transforming... (Score 1) 453

@sorted_array =
              map { $_->[0] } # extract original list elements
              sort { $a->[1] $b->[1] } # sort list by keys
              map { [$_, -M $_] } # pair up list elements with keys

new_list = old_list.sort_by {|file| file.mtime }

Yep, PERL certainly looks more readable.

Comment Coming from a PERL guy (Score 2, Informative) 453

Scenario, im new to perl. Would you consider this simple sort of subroutines human readable?:

@s = sort mycriteria @a;
              sub mycriteria {
                  my($aa) = $a =~ /(\d+)/;
                  my($bb) = $b =~ /(\d+)/;
                  sin($aa) sin($bb) ||
                  $aa*$aa $bb*$bb;

I agree, that correct oop practices and not abusing special chars helps (the latter has always been rampant at every shop I ever worked at, as you said programmers are lazy), but make no mistake, the above is not readable to a beginner.

Comment I would love too see that but... (Score 0) 132

There is a whole solar system right here that we have not even scratched the surface on. Im down for a permanent lunar base, its the best test testing bed we have for learning to live off the land off world. First thing needs to be general manufacturing capabilities with some science (miners, production engineers as well as science). Re-supply needs to seen as a nicety not as a necessity to be able to move on beyond the current pump and dump, one hit wonder (or failure) we currently use.

Comment What Plan?? (Score 0) 132

As far as I can tell the "plan" has been too almost completely kill NASA and/or cut funding and just let the next administration deal with it. HSP and Science programs alike.

Dont get me wrong, NASA is just about as bad as any .gov agency when it comes to money management, fixed cost spending and subed work to oblivion
NASA subed too->
Lockheed subed too->
Brand x Management->Too x number of small, no name companies, started by former NASA execs and senator sons/former astronauts.

The only real benefit has been the inclusion of new blood commercial entities (most people I dont think understand that COTS is really competition for soyuz, always has, always will.). The only reason they get the fan fare is because...this TAXI service is the only thing NASA has to show for itself after 10+ yrs (Through faults of there own and the govs, I dont plant blame squarely on NASA, there is more then just a linear story to explain the state of things today ).

1. Im not bashing spacex, orbital, blue and there acomplishments.
2. Former CSOC contractor, I have insight into the land of crazy known as JSC.

Comment And if interested in meds I take enbrel entracept (Score 0) 470

50 mg, once a week. 4 shots in a box: $1400! If I had no insurance I would be completely cluster fucked. Enbrel is a COX2 inhibitor, it blocks a specific gene in the immune system that is linked to intestinal and arthritic conditions (chrons, RA, AS, and a few others). HLA118 If I remember correctly. I seriously think its directly related to my gut issues, what I cant determine is if its controllable via diet, or if its more like ulcers or a mcirobial "bloom" of some sort.

Comment As someone whe has had AS since 16... (Score 0) 470

I think there is alot of merrit to this. Some claim AS is largely due to a "leaky" gut, and can say ive always had lower intestine "issues". Especially when I was 16 and first started getting pains in my hips and neck. Alot of the times when I get an outbreak of aches an pains is usually when my lower intestine issues flare up as well. Then rapid weight loss afterwards. Ive lost 10 in one month before (and I eat well, steaks, potatoes, vegies, with an occasional whataburger or bk whopper). I've tried different diets, but none really seemed to point to anything I could determine from a diet perspective (wheat, cave man, veganisim), but im pretty sure its due to the micro fauna in my gut its always a warning before a flare up.

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