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Comment Re:What if I want the ad fueled web to die? (Score 1) 618

I don't think it has anything to do with intelligence, but personal needs and values.

Say if I see an advertising for a delicious snack when I am hungry I might consider trying it out next time I am buying my groceries, but if you advertise a car, I'm not going to give a damn or even pay attention.

The problem is that 99% of internet ads are for things that are either expensive, not available in your country, or mere noise. I am not going to buy server space just because some little ad told me to when I have no use for it. And absolutely no single ad I've seen on the internet offers me a product I can just go buy at my supermarket/store/city in general.
Summer is almost here, where are ads for soft drinks, ice cream, sunblock, clothes and assorted things? All ads I see right now are offering me cloud services or telling me that I can win a free something I don't really want if I click there. They also look dubious most of the time.

So, yes, I don't see any correlation with intelligence about not being influenced by internet ads. Few internet ads offer anything of immediate value or importance, and it doesn't really get you to know new brands or products. In other words, it's pretty much useless noise few people has interest into.

When was the last time you learned of something you liked through an internet ad? After a couple decades of internet usage I haven't found a single thing. Not to mention TV ads are far more interesting, showing products you can buy locally and using catchy jingles and other tricks which make them far more endearing than "shoot monkey to win iphone" or "download free emoticons!"

In fact, where are the stablished brands? Where are the ads for music, food, videogames and such? Not even in related sites I can find anything like that, just...server space. I am not even a webdev for crying out loud.

Comment Re:Well I like it....... (Score 1) 60

I was there. The difference here is that KDE3 to 4 was supposed to be a major overhaul, while 4 to 5 was more of a port to Qt5. The loss of functionality was pretty considerable and made a lot of "remains" of KDE4 stay in place, which makes it feel odd and disjointed. Klipper is a good example.

In my case my desktop replicated Unity and used a non-standard window layout, only KDE4 was able to handle that strange combination. And personally it worked smooth as butter saving the "close menus when a notification comes bug" (that was never addressed). This is impossible to achieve in KDE5, because of lost plasmoids/functionality and other issues.
If you just use KDE5 as a sort of Windows XP-style shell clone (taskbar on bottom, etc) and just maximize everything it's going to work well, sure, as long as you don't deal with some loss app or plasmoid, and you don't tinker with custom window settings/shortcuts very much.
But those defaults are pretty much the only thing that works, and that means that it's probably the only settings the developers ever tested. If you look at the Kubuntu support forums there are plenty of recent requests for help marked [PLASMA 5], several not really answered or abandoned because no one seems to know the answers.

I know it'll eventually go back to function, but meanwhile it's either using a temporary replacement (went with Unity because my KDE4 desktop was styled in that fashion, I always had a left taskbar even in windows here) or completely changing your habits just because packagers rushed to push it to the public.
My complaint is not that KDE5 sucks, but that the packagers didn't learn that it's not wise to push software undercooked like what happened with KDE4. You can see that KDE lost a lot of public image because of that move, and it's happening again.

Comment Re:Let's hope that Plasma 4 is kept as an alternat (Score 1) 60

I didn't post AC as flamebait, but because some people takes way too much personal offense at such criticisms, regardless of whether they are true or not.
Look, I've seen several FOSS projects, including managing my own, and most projects at least ask questions or inquire further. Even huge projects like Chromium or even Ubuntu itself.
Also note that I said that in some of those cases the bug gets resolved, but not because of the bug report. Seems like they were on some developer's personal notebook instead of using the bug report for managing them, which is remarkably odd.

The end result is that while the bugs get fixed eventually if you are lucky, you simply don't know if it's being taken care of, or even if it's already resolved. Found plenty of open bugs for stuff that got fixed by 4.5 (posted before 4.5). That makes it feel like KDE folks don't really care about users. Even when they do. More than anything it feels like they need some sort of PR apparatus and some people managing the bug tracker.

Comment Re:Let's hope that Plasma 4 is kept as an alternat (Score 4, Informative) 60

I found myself in that situation, needed something from Vivid and found myself in a desktop that was upside down. After the bad rep KDE4 got for being pushed too early, it's surprising they did this.
Ended up using Unity for the time being. Not extremely happy. While it works okay there are little annoyances here and there, but at least it works better than Plasma 5. And before someone points it out, yes, I did reset my configs several times, so it's not a configuration issue. This is with plasma 5.3 from backports ppa, 5.2 was even worse.

- Plasma 4 had the best systray in all the linux ecosystem, allowing KDE native, "new" Unity-style indicators, and old tray icons. Now neither of those work in Plasma 5, leaving empty space or not showing at all. Even Unity has ways to show old tray icons such as Pidgin. When asking about it, was instructed to install stuff like stalonetray...are we in FVWM now?
- You can't invoke Klipper actions on current clipboard either. Options exist, hotkey config exist, but it doesn't work, it's like half-converted to plasmoid.
- No more Unity launcher integration, and Icon-Only Task Manager has lost all options. Click on window group function is even slower to use than Unity's.
- No pastebin, network monitor plasmoids. They are supposedly ported but git activity stopped months ago. In fact git activity for several KDE apps and plasmoids has died entirely. Not hoping to ever see them again.
- No window tabbing. Nowhere to be found despite options to set hotkeys existing.
- The window titlebar decorations are massive and cannot be configured. Even Unity allows this now. Huge waste of space.
- Breeze style refuses to work. If you enjoyed a consistent desktop using the Oxygen theme in KDE4, forget about it now.
- Icons from all GTK apps are missing.
- Frequent crashes if trying to configure any hotkeys. Hotkey system completely broken, very difficult to make it remember anything.
- No attempt to read options from KDE4, it just pits you versus the default desktop no matter what you had.
- Several apps such as Krusader aren't ported (and probably will never be), brings both KDE4 and "KDE frameworks 5" services when started.
- Konsole won't allow showing "konsole" in the title. Which means you cannot reliably use tools to select the window with a hotkey. The option is present in Konsole, but will do nothing.
- Window settings don't get saved if you set them from a window. Changes need to be done in System Settings for them to be actually remembered.
- Klipper cannot be used in another desktop any longer since it's a half-baked plasmoid now. I'd say it's in pupa stage.
- Clock plasmoid can't even allow 24 hour time now. AM/PM or nothing.
- Several options that do absolutely nothing, don't get saved or are obvious remains of KDE4. It's unclear if they will ever work again or just are going to get removed instead.
- Dumps all of its config files in $HOME/.config instead of something like $HOME/.config/kde or so. Not a big deal but now the folder looks messy.
- Gwenview is now massively slow when opening a image in a folder with many images. The previous version could handle it and start working instantly, now you require a few seconds before it starts acknowledging your controls.
- Option to make toolbar icons smaller has vanished.
- New "classic" app menu is much slower and less direct than the old "classic" menu.
- khotnewstuff can decide to stop working for no reason and can produce random crashes. No rhyme or reason or reliable ways to reproduce.

So, yeah, no one would like to use this for everyday work outside of the defaults. Should have remained in the oven for two more releases at the very least. Being unable to roll back while things get better is quite infuriating and has completely disturbed my workflow. But can't go back to 14.10 because 15.04 fixes a vital bug in my system. No good alternatives.

Comment Re:Apology for this submission. (Score 1) 47

Well, it's a nice try, but the claims are outrageous. As far as libraries go SDL and SFML are already very competent and easy to use. As far as pre-cooked engines this has nothing on Unity, Unreal or Godot, which allow seeing results real quick. Given how the market has pretty much moved to premade engines, and from-scratch engines have SDL/SFML/GL and whatnot readily available, and for quick prototypes or fooling around there's stuff like LÃve, which using Lua is extremely easy to get moving.

While more options are always welcomed, it's just not being advertised right.
That examples page sure doesn't help. It needs something that would make you go "hey I can code a quick thing on this to check it out" or something.

Dunno, try getting someone to do a FOSS game "proudly powered by ClanLib". Even a tongue-in-cheek clone-remake of Action 52 could bring enough attention to it. You can put one of those together in two days. Since the example page is ...sort of... trying to be funny, go full ham and cheese and make a hilariously bad example game.

Also, man, Slashdot has enough crap submissions as it is, I can't really applaud polluting it further even as a practical joke. They'll accept everything nowadays.

Comment Re:ClanLib Devs have never worked with a game engi (Score 1) 47

Wow that examples page is quite....something.

Actually, you can add Godot to that list, while it's still a bit undercooked it's actually fairly viable to make a working game, includes editing tools and has better examples than this. And the source can be modified for free.
Not the optimal choice, but for someone who can't afford (or doesn't want to pirate) Unity or Unreal, it's a fairly valid option.

Comment Re:I am loving it, but KDE4 lovers, beware. (Score 1) 300

I don't know, I keep hearing it's broken in Ubuntu, but despite using mainline Ubuntu with only the required KDE packages I used (which is probably the less recommended way to go with it), it worked like a charm since 4.3-ish until 5.2-5.3.
Then again I am a bit of a power user and could iron out most quirks myself, and I know userland linux like the palm of my hand, which I admit is something the average user can't waste time doing.

Comment Re:Rock solid so far - really like it (Score 1) 300

Personally speaking, it wasn't this bad when the switch to KDE4 happened.
Since KDE4 was a bit of a completely new thing, introduced a large number of new components, toys and apps, and allowed certain things to be done that I don't recall possible in KDE3, moving to it was somehow not so bad, you didn't have "similar settings" to carry on. It was a completely new thing. However, Plasma 5 (I don't even know if it's right to call it "KDE5", with the whole frameworks stuff...), is supposed to be more or less a refactor and a port to Qt5, but removing a lot of previous customizations, plasmoids and options that were there before. You can't even set your clock to 24-hour format now. It's quite bizarre. What happened there?

To be frank, I have been preparing for the inevitable moment I'd have to leave KDE since the whole "frameworks" thing. KDE is great, but it feels like something is wrong with it. There's not much third-party software for KDE4, and practically none for "KDE5", most bugs reported end up WONTFIX or ignored, Planet KDE is strangely disjointed and weird to read with the actual talk about KDE being only spurred by a few posts (like the ones from the kwin devs) and nothing else; OpenDesktop's kde-look and kde-apps are full of outdated or abandoned third-party software and plasmoids, or apps that are just written in Qt and are pretty much desktop-independent that just happen to be cataloged as "KDE app", and khotnewstuff has problems installing some of those due to how loosely organized the thing is. I keep getting the impression that the only people writing extensions to the KDE desktop only do so as pet test projects that will never go beyond "proof of concept" stage, or go abandoned quickly because the developer switched to Gnome or Unity or XFCE or so, or are just marked "KDE" because they happen to be written in Qt. And almost no one of the apps with plugin support has any third-party plugin for them.

Sure, I am in love with some of the apps that I still use, like Konsole, Krusader, Krita, Ksnapshot...and I think Kwin is the best window manager there is, full of options and adaptable to all uses (and very friendly with gaming/gamedev as you can suspend compositing anytime), but I can't shake this feeling that it's not going to last and we'll have to migrate elsewhere.

I digress. For now, I just hope it gets back to a "production-ready" state soon and that Krusader gets ported. I can live with the changes as long as I don't lose that file manager. Can't find a replacement anywhere, no one with decent integrated text editor (other than midnight commander...also, while external text editors are okay, the integrated one has the advantage of launching instantly), image viewer in a simple pane, easy-to-maintain actions, customizable toolbar, archive browser (although rar support is broken now...), and quick filtering (showing only files that match a given pattern), as well as the option to forget selection when explicitly clicking on a single file. The closest I found was one named Sunflower, but still lacking some of those features. I should ask Slashdot.

Comment Re:I am loving it, but KDE4 lovers, beware. (Score 1) 300

I set it to "cascade", but I miss the "zero-corner" behavior from Kwin. With random I meant like instead of starting at the left edge, it moves down or right a little, requiring moving the windows manually (or invoking a script) so they don't overlap with some windows at the side that are always open. Trying to find some workaround to that.

Comment Re:Beware updating if using KDE (Score 1) 300

I completely agree. Plasma 5 is not quite done yet, it's lost a ton of abilities and there's no easy way to bring "plasma 4" plasmoids to it without a full rewrite. It's quite bleak really, I had to migrate to another desktop as well. And this is coming from someone who used KDE4 from the start after updating from 3. 3 to 4 added new toys and abilities to the table, but 4 to 5 feels like KDE4 all undone.

I fear the day KDE4 libraries required to run Krusader are totally gone. I can't find a replacement with the same capabilities.

Comment I am loving it, but KDE4 lovers, beware. (Score 3, Interesting) 300

After installing I have two main highlights. Excuse the verbosity, but since it's apropos, I really want to share my two cents and hear what other people thinks.

1) The shipped Plasma 5.3 is complete butt. Massive loss of functionality, completely broke my workflow. You might remember me defending KDE4 at every chance, and that's because it wasn't as bad as this by 4.3. Missing icons; lost of "old" systray icons; Icon-only task manager lost all options and unity launcher abilities; Klipper is half-baked and doesn't do a lot of things it did before (despite keyboard bindings showing those actions); kwin refuses to save per-window settings (works from control center, but not from window menu); the Breeze theme is bugged and doesn't show (instead Oxygen does, for whatever reason, despite zapping my settings entirely, and there's no matching GTK theme, so all consistency gets broken); dumps files on .config, making it super noisy; lots of actions that were able to get hotkeys don't accept hotkeys (despite the GUI being there, it refuses to save); several lost plasmoids (not even a simple network monitor now) and other surviving ones lost several options; and konsole refuses to obey the option to show "konsole - " on titlebar, making window matching by title never work. Kwin is still excellent, but it suffers being part of a desktop in such a miserable state and Konsole is still my favorite terminal. (I am open to suggestions just in case)
It doesn't even attempt to port old settings properly, and it's far too early to deploy. And this time there wasn't even the excuse to make it "for developers". It's really, really half-baked and I hope the missing stuff comes back eventually. It's only usable if you stick to the defaults and don't bother customizing it too much, and if you don't have habits or must-have plasmoids from KDE4.

2) Everything else worked really well. systemd works pretty well and I already got to tune it up. Very fast reboot and shutdown. Not seeing why the hate, it works for me.
Mod me down if you want, and I am aware anecdotes aren't data, but it works and I was able to migrate all my custom things easily. The only defect I found is that it likes to start disk checks more often than it should, like it does a main disk check once every 10 reboots. Doesn't take long so it's not a real problem, but it bothers me it's not doing every 30 mounts as I had it set as.
Otherwise, my system feels almost more responsive than before, and I am pretty sure it's not placebo effect. I mostly notice it with loading small apps and doing management tasks, but it's definitely a little bit faster. A few exotic bugs with my hardware got fixed and it's all now working great.

Anyway, I had to use Unity as a temporary desktop until I figure out some solution to my KDE problems and the good things and updates prevent me from rolling back. Two days later I got used to it and I am doing my usual computer routine with minor differences.

Gotta say, it's improved greatly since last time I used it. Having the menus in the window titlebar (saves space and doesn't require traveling to the top as in the OSX-like menu, best of both worlds), minimize-on-click, ability to adjust titlebar size and other minor fixes make it...*gasp* rather usable. I miss the window automation from kwin, but managed to replicate the missing window management features with some hackery and obscure Compiz features, so I only remember I am using another desktop when the windows appear in crazy places. Only took me a day to get used to the previously annoying "close button at left" business, but otherwise it feels usable for everyday work. Compared to its original incarnation it's quite the improvement. I'd even dare calling it "good enough", not the best, but just "good enough". The titlebar menus and the Launcher API abilities are pretty appealing features though.
A disclaimer, though, I always had a taskbar at the left even in the early 90s, so I find it "natural", but other people might be annoyed by the taskbar being a sidebar.

What I still don't like about Unity is the Dash. It feels too flashy and is a bit clumsy. I reduced it to search only installed apps and removed most of its hotkeys. I think KRunner, Kupfer or what used to be called Gnome-Do do a better job at that task. The HUD is an interesting idea, I don't like how it opens at the top left regardless of window placement, but can see situations where it'd be faster than browsing menus, specially poorly-organized menus with tons of nesting.

All in all, I had to change my workflow a bit, which was terribly annoying, but in return the internals works great, so it balances out the bad. People using other desktops or Unity itself will probably love 15.04. If you use KDE4 and have it configured heavily...wait for next release if possible (at least) or you'll be annoyed to death.

Comment Re:Godot Engine is open source! (Score 1) 125

I second this. I am used to creating my own engines so getting used to Godot was a bit odd at first, and it has a terrible lack of documentation and a few rough edges, but it's a pretty capable engine to play with; it's trivial to build/install/maintain, and very easy to export to another OS.
I wish it had better documentation though, but if more users get interested on it, it might happen.

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