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Comment Re:What he's really saying is (Score 5, Insightful) 422

Spreadsheets are just a part of the Darwinism of applications. Some sharp fellow within an organization things its important to start tracking some data point or another. Maybe it gets ignored and forgotten. Other times it grows as other people see its utility and start making requests to track related data points. Eventually you get a multi-worksheet or even multi-workbook spreadsheet masquerading as an application. At some point it becomes far to hard to maintain or understand so they contract out someone like me who moves it to a relational database with a web front end. Everyone is happy!

This work forms a major part of my work load don't fuck with it!

Also, it is appropriate. It would be inefficient to develop a proper relational database application on the whim that some set of data points might be useful. Spreadsheets are a proving ground, and important stage in the life cycle of an application.

Comment Re:To be fair... (Score 1) 253

Firstly, if a question is being repetitively asked then it is a design flaw. Move the button or make the process easier to understand, ask for feedback from the people posting the question. Second, when the wrong answer to a question can create expensive problems for me, maybe I would rather get the answer from someone who is SUPPOSED to have the right answer rather then someone who might just be talking out of their ass. Third, nothing makes me more satisfied with a product then getting great support when I need it. I recently purchased a small consumer NAS and was having trouble with installation. Considering the failures I had with my previous NAS I was about ready to return it assuming that it was yet another hunk of junk. Instead I called the tech support number. To my utter amazement with almost no waiting I talked to a human on the same continent as me who resolved my problem immediately by pointing out a step I missed in the installation process. It was a stupid error on my part and nothing was wrong with their instructions or their product. So from now on I will recommend "Buffalo" brand NAS products to anyone that asks (they are fast as well btw). Support can be the most valuable part of your sales team. Sales people spend a lot of money to get in front of a customer and to educate them about their product. Support calls are your opportunity to learn how to make your products better and to win customers for life. B-School classes really should teach the importance of support departments as a sales and branding resource.

Comment Re:You mean.... (Score 1) 272

"Rapid Price Changes are part of a infantile system" What? Why? Sounds like something people tell themselves in the absence of evidence. BitCoins are a commodity.
The supply is fixed or grows at a predictably rate.
All price fluctuations are due to speculations and hype.
The only value they have is what some fool is willing to pay you for them.
I can't believe that it has gone on this long.

Currencies are backed by the government and they HAVE to accept it for payment of taxes. Gold has other commercial uses and value. What do bitcoins have? They have fashion, greed,and hope. The ENTIRE reason we have central banks with fiat currency is for price stability. Your trying to tell me that somehow magically bitcoins will achieve price stability? More likely the moment that they lose volatility is the moment the cease having any value at all.

Comment Re:Death sentence (Score 1) 255

Only $1 million policy? Was that a long time ago? Maybe it is because I am in Canada but around here a normal household car will carry $2 million and if your driving other peoples kids as part of a volunteer thing like School field trips then $5 million is required.

$1 million for a limo company sounds pitifully low especially for litigious USA.

Comment Re:Article is empty (Score 1) 305

Agreed. Also how is this different from programming a business app? Actually a business app is way harder. A game need only be internally consistent. But a business app needs to be consistent wit existing company procedures and vocabularies as well as comply with various regulations. By comparison real world apps are way harder then game apps. I have written both and real world business apps are way more 'hard'.

Comment Re:Freedom of Speech? (Score 1) 328

I agree. Most probably agree that in the case of revenge porn there should be an easy to exercise control over images taken of you in the privacy of your own home.

That is a completely different discussion then the common carrier type protections that currently exist for web site operators. Wasn't it the good part of the DCMA?

I assume the reason for why they want to go after website operators is because it is easy for an anonymous uploader to hide while the website operator is highly visible.

Perhaps the solution to that is simply to be able to prove to the website operator that you are in fact the person in the photo and demand its removal. If it was uploaded anonymously who is to claim otherwise?

Most of the time I am in favour of using existing laws, but perhaps this is a case where a new explicit right protected by law could be introduced. You own all rights to anonymous naked images of yourself and no website operator can claim ownership based on anonymous uploads. (how can an anonymous person grant anyone anything?). If the image was not uploaded anonymously, the subject of the photo can seek remedy through the courts leaving the website operator out of it.

Not claiming this is perfect, just spit-balling ideas :)

Comment Re:a car analogy (Score 1) 161

No kidding. Anyone who has used Android for any length of time and then has to help their mom with their iPhone know just how crappy the UI on the iPhone is. Everytime I use an iPhone I feel like the developers are playing some kind of cruel joke on me.

Does anyone else have that feeling? I just don't get why people think iPhones are better on any metric at all.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 277

As far as I understand things there is a big difference between solving a hash in isolation compared to actually attempting to use the password on the system in question. So your comment would make sense only if the system in question would allow you to actual try all those other passwords on the system without locking you out. What system in the world would allow you to attempt a million logins before locking you out?

Comment Re:This isn't as outrageous as it seems (Score 1) 235

That is a completely different scenario. Yes paying for an event license covers to cost of "extra" policing and possible cleanup and traffic routing during that event. That is a little different then bitching about high taxes then complaining about lack of service and then paying directly for a cop to perform their regular duties thus inviting issues of divided loyalties.

Its simple, your culture is broken, go to your nearest support center for servicing or RMA it.

Comment Wait a friggin minute. (Score 1) 235

Giant US company no doubt lobbying against higher taxes is dismayed at lack of local civic service so pays for cop directly? This is so totally wrong. The US has its head so far up its arse it is truly weird. Its funny that those who speak loudest in favor of capitalism act as if their real goal was to return to what came before capitalism, namely Feudalism.

Why don't you guys just get on with it and amend your constitution to "one share one vote"

Comment And the other question (Score 1) 276

Of course they should not have. What the hell was the point? Whether he is the founder or not makes no difference. This is Hollywood ET style journalism. Who gives a crap about anything to do with the founder? It belongs in People magazine not a business or technical journal. So anyway you look at it, it was dumb.

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