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Comment Re:The fun is gone (Score 1) 635

Uh... drinking and driving is awful. This is something society actually got right.

Also, I live in Canada where the drinking age is 19 (and 18 in some provinces). We got together and drank without a car on a weekly basis. A lot of younger people don't have cars because it's too fucking expensive. Even when I was a teenager 12 years ago insurance was over $4k. Unless mommy and daddy are paying your bills you are not going to have a car.

Comment Re:WHY??? (Score 4, Insightful) 73

To be fair, some basic 3D modelling has it's uses in Photoshop, especially if you want a super accurate rendering. Stuff like extending the perspective of a photo or placing a product label you created on a bottle or can. But that's pretty much where the uses for 3D end in Photoshop.

If it were up to me, I'd push for Photoshop to have a more tablet friendly mode (as in Wacom tablet, not iPad or Android tablets) and get rid of the subscription model.

Comment Might as well push automation to it's max (Score 1) 321

Sooner or later humanity will have to deal with the looming "work crisis" so we might as well get this revolution started. One of the big gains of automation should be removing the mudane and insanity inducing tasks required. Sadly the reality seems to be more people ending up in call centers and retail but I don't see how this is sustainable. What's the point in giant mega malls or telemarketers when everyone is too poor to afford anything?

The floor is going to fallout sooner or later so might as well rush the process along.

Comment Re:Which company bought this 'new' rule? (Score 4, Insightful) 1143

I grew up in a house with a wood furnace, that house still has a wood furnace and not a single member of my family that either grew up or continues to live in that house has any kind of lung ailment. Hell, I run marathons.

More to the point though, you seem to have confused fireplace with furnace. The only reason smoke would get in your house from a furnace is if something was terribly broken.

Thankfully I live in Canada so this law won't effect all the people I know that rely on wood furnaces for heat and would likely have to invest $10,000+ if they ever had to switch away from wood as a fuel source.

Comment Re:Wonder if this will be used to ferret out adblo (Score 2) 115

How would you separate the people using adblock from the people that have no interest in ads and routinely avoid them?

I don't think there's been an ad on Facebook that I've desired to click on. For a company that stripe mines user data as their core business, they seem terrible at advertising (or at least advertising to me).

Comment And Still No Flexbox Support (Score 1) 144

Why is Mozilla taking so long to fully implement Flexbox? Even IE11 supports it:

It feels weird to say it but Firefox is holding back the web. This is probably one of the most important changes to layout since designers/developers abandoned tables and moved to pure CSS based layouts.

Comment Expect high sales (Score 4, Insightful) 137

Gamers are stupid. Blizzard has been on a downturn for a while but people will still line up in droves for this. If you need any further proof, look at Call of Duty. Exact same engine, almost indentical gameplay, loaded to the brim with shitty DLC that's made irrelevant by next year's installment and it STILL sells 10 - 15 million units.

Look how long it's taken for people to abandon EA. It's been years since they were considered the worst company ever and they are just now starting to feel that wrath. If Blizzard and their brands fall, it will happen at a slow and steady pace.

Comment Pacific Rim (Score 1) 384

Despite Pacific Rim having nearly the same plot arc as Independence Day, it was bloody amazing because it delivered on the giant robots fighting giant monsters. Sometimes formula isn't bad if the subject matter is uncommon and handled well. The big problem with Hollywood is they often manage to do neither and rarely manage to do both.

Comment Get out of my personal space Microsoft (Score 5, Insightful) 110

Dear Microsoft, I don't want my phone to know what I eat for breakfast, how I'm feeling or how I choose to spend my time. I just need it to make phone calls and check my email. That's it. That's all.

Can you please stop being such a creepy digital stalker? It's gone well past disturbing at this point.

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