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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 5 declined, 8 accepted (13 total, 61.54% accepted)

The Internet

Submission + - Korean rehab camp for Web addiction (

caffeinemessiah writes: The New York Times has a story about a Korean kids' camp for "curing" Internet addiction. "Seventeen hours a day online is fine," said one such kid at the camp. From the article: "Drill instructors drive young men through military-style obstacle courses, counselors lead group sessions, and there are even therapeutic workshops on pottery and drumming....this year, the camp held its first two 12-day sessions, with 16 to 18 male participants each time. (South Korean researchers say an overwhelming majority of compulsive computer users are male.)"

Submission + - Rick Rubin discloses Sony rootkit called home

caffeinemessiah writes: Rick Rubin, the legendary music producer, recently signed on as co-head of Columbia Records, which is owned by Sony BMG. In a recent New York Times interview (on pg. 4 of the online version), he discloses (possibly accidentally):

It was the highest debut of Neil [Diamond]'s career, off to a great start. But Columbia — it was some kind of corporate thing — had put spyware on the CD. That kept people from copying it, but it also somehow recorded information about whoever bought the record...
Seems like the rootkit might have been a little more than your vanilla invade-your-rights-DRM scheme.

Submission + - Yahoo introducing free, unlimited email storage

caffeinemessiah writes: On its mail homepage, Yahoo announces that "free unlimited storage" is on its way for Yahoo Mail. This will apparently include "limitless storage space for photos, attachments, messages, and more". There is also another page with more information about unlimited storage. It seems that they either scooped Google on this one or, thanks to the unlimited attachment feature and tools like the GMail Drive, are about to become the largest public file-sharing site that can penetrate your office firewall.

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