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Comment Hmmm. (Score 1) 344

Ha, so thats what? 2 cents total? Obviously I kid, but seriously, EA hasnt really done much good lately. Their games are stale, ever since (and possibly before) they murdered the NFS series, porche unleashed was amazing... Then it had to go gangster etc... Gangsters and Boobs sell... /eorant Do I see a FarmBoobs in the future of Zynga? I sure hope and farm that... home boy.

Comment Re:Yes - Rogers Does it. (Score 1) 486

Rogers Canada used to cuts my brothers internet off all the time (he lives in a house with like 12 people) I think its a good policy, though they are not very helpful in tracking it down. They also cut the internet at my work recently. On this occasion they were able to tell us the servers it was trying to access and the times it tried, which was helpful in tracking down the infection but for the most part they just tell you to get rid of the infection or else we cut you off for good.. I told my brother to make sure everyone in the house ran malwarebytes a few times every now and then and the problem went away.

Comment I cant wait! (Score 1) 366

I am so glad Google has decided that this failed experiment was indeed an ultimate and humiliating failure. The best phones come from the service providers. After they have stripped the phone of features they do not want on their network. Change the hardware to make it slightly cheaper and all around hack the ROM until it is unusable is far greater than receiving a phone from the manufacturer unchanged and unscathed. Its high time we rise up and tell Google and other Doo Gooder companies that we love having our service providers anally rape us, our children, and future generations till the end of time. I welcome our new overlords, Rogers, Bell, AT&T, Verizon etc... *bent over*

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