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Comment Re:Highway Only to Speed Deployment (Score 1) 142

But record numbers of truckers have very little experience.

What? Are you just saying that there are more truck drivers than there used to be?

So what? Lots of things are harder than other things, that's not an excuse for doing them wrong

Someone has to drive trucks, and driving trucks well is difficult. If you make only expert truck drivers allowed to drive, then you'll have a whole host of goods undelivered. Sometimes you've got to use what you've got.

The biggest problem truck drivers have on the road, besides the ones that are just a danger to themselves and others all the time, is lack of sleep.

Well, I'm from the EU, which has mandatory time limits on HGV driving and working. You can't work more than 48 hours a week as a driver, on average (the actual legislation is that you can't work more than 56 hours in a week, and no more than 96 hours in a fortnight, IIRC). If you're tired with that week, it's your fault.

Comment Re:alternative already exists (Score 1) 142

I used to drive a route, Bury St Edmunds, Kettering, Winchester, then back to Bury St Edmunds every day (along with London on thursdays). It was in a big artic. At the first stop, I was unloaded and reloaded (with tyres), at the second I changed trailers. 340 miles every day, and I was always within tacho law. (for Americans, drivers in the EU are strictly regulated on the hours they can work(

I don't know what you're suggesting as a replacement for this kind of system.

The warehouse in Bury st Edmunds is just a big room with about 10 people (total, including night shift) loading and unloading trucks all day long. I am talking about the largest wholesaler of tyres in the UK here.

Comment Re:Highway Only to Speed Deployment (Score 1) 142

Fucking hell drinkpoo, get a grip. People who drive for a living generally are better at it, and driving a truck is harder than driving a car.

The only problems truck drivers have on the road are vehicles other than trucks (99.9% of the time). Making it an "us vs them" issue is simplistic and childish.

Comment Re:Highway Only to Speed Deployment (Score 1) 142

You didn't reply to the AC's post. They were not incidents, they were potential incidents. If a trucker had an incident every 100,000 miles, they would not be a trucker for long.

I'm not excusing bad driving, there's loads of that about. However, your estimation that truckers generally have more than one incident every 100,000 miles on average is wrong.

Comment Re:1.8 million drivers will lose their job. (Score 3, Insightful) 142

As a truck driver, I think your 99% is a little high. Train drivers, for example, do not have to deal with almost all the situational problems that truck drivers do, and their profession is only just starting to become autonomous, and only in a few limited cases.

I agree it is probably the future of cargo transport... but if we're using automated cargo transport, I think we could come up with a better solution than just big automaton trucks on the road.

Comment Re:Spore? (Score 1) 100

If I play it once, I can't tell the difference between on-the-fly generation and static worlds.

Except for the fact that a game with static star systems will have at most a few hundred, rather than a few billion. There is no way to simulate the universe without some kind of procedural generation, there are just far too many things in it.

Comment Re:The headline is juicy, but hides a real problem (Score 1) 212

Africa is on the equator, so the climate is like Florida or New York in Summer but all year round.

Erm... Africa's quite a big place, with lots of different climates. Nearly all the north of Africa is desert climate, so nothing like Florida or New York. South Africa has ski resorts, Tangiers is Mediterranean climate.

Any building without air conditioning becomes an oven. So having a 32" 600 watt plasma display wouldn't be appreciated. A small 12" black/white CRT is ideal and the bulkiness prevents looters from stealing it.

One of the major advantages of LCD and LED TVs is their lower power consumption. See this page for a quick comparison. CRTs have awful power consumption, even tiny ones.

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