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Comment Re:Where's The Content? (Score 1) 207

Typically monitors have a lower pixel pitch since they're meant to be viewed up much closer than a TV you'd be watching from several feet away on your couch.

Also in my experience monitors tend to have superior firmware in terms of reliability and adjustments whereas hooking up a PC to a TV sometimes has unpredictable results in the way the TV will display the image with little control to correct it even when using VGA or HDMI.

Comment Re:Yawn... (Score 2) 566

I've had copies of TrueCrypt 7.1a on my TrueCrypt'd external HDD (I tend to save everything I download) from about a year ago predating this event so I'll provide MD5 and SHA-1 hashes of them if that helps at all. I'm just a random guy on the internet so you may want to take this with a grain of salt but hopefully it'll help you find legit copies or validate any downloads that you find somehow.

TrueCrypt Setup 7.1a.exe
MD5: 7A23AC83A0856C352025A6F7C9CC1526
SHA-1: 7689D038C76BD1DF695D295C026961E50E4A62EA

MD5: BB355096348383987447151EECD6DC0E
SHA-1: 086CF24FAD36C2C99A6AC32774833C74091ACC4D

TrueCrypt 7.1a Mac OS X.dmg
MD5: 89AFFDC42966AE5739F673BA5FB4B7C5
SHA-1: 16E6D7675D63FBA9BB75A9983397E3FB610459A1

Comment Re:Trade secrets, not patents (Score 1) 148

I've always liked Pepsi better because I think it has a richer stronger taste compared to Coke whereas Coke tastes to me like a flat Pepsi that's been left out in the sun for weeks. I will confess though I think Coke goes better with Jack Daniels.

As far as advertising goes; in my area Pepsi labels all their bottles, cans and advertising with "Born in the Carolinas" and North Carolinians have a lot of pride so a lot of their advertising in; Tennessee, Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina and of course North Carolina itself has to do with being associated with North Carolina.

Comment Re:And As Usual... (Score 1) 196

Is there a real need for an SD slot when you have 64GB of storage available?

Now this is purely speculation but your comment made the thought cross my mind; perhaps some manufacturers omit SD card slots to give people incentive to upgrade to more expensive models rather than doing something like buying a 128GB microSD card and putting it into a smaller GB or 16GB model.

Comment Re:And As Usual... (Score 1) 196

...No card slot, no keyboard, no daylight readable screen, and therefore no sale.

Why do companies insist on copying the same lack of features of the big-name manufacturers while still calling themselves "revolutionary?" It's just another clone phone, the Toyota Camry of boring copycat "me too" featureless blank slates that already flood the marketplace.


No microSD card slot? A non-removable battery? Into the trash it goes.

I was a little disappointed when I found out that you had to be invited to have the option of buying one but I wasn't aware they had gotten rid of the microSD slot and removable battery so I guess I'll be looking at the Galaxy S5 instead even if I had an invite. For the life of me I don't understand why people consider a non-removable battery (and batteries are very prone to failures) to be a feature; I like to have spares in case I go somewhere charging is not possible or convenient or in the more likely case the original battery loses its ability to keep a charge like I've experienced with two different Li-Ion batteries.

Comment Re:People sure do like to beat the cancer thing (Score 1) 270

People often equate open source with GPL so one might also be quick to assume he's talking about developing proprietary software and profiteering off of open source but that is not always the case; GPL often presents itself as a pain for open source developers as well who may want to license their software under an even more liberal license such as BSD, MIT or even the WTFPL and wish not to taint their software with the ideological restrictions and burdens GPL places upon its users.

Comment Re:Viable Replacement? (Score 1) 242

I've been very happy with their service and am considering donating something as a token of appreciation.

Consideration should help get their bills paid...

I need to consider how much I can afford to donate and when I can fit it into my budget taking into account bills and other things I need to pay for.

verb: consider; 3rd person present: considers; past tense: considered; past participle: considered; gerund or present participle: considering
1. think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision.
"each application is considered on its merits"
synonyms: think about, contemplate, reflect on, examine, review; More

Comment Re:Viable Replacement? (Score 5, Informative) 242

Been very happy with ever since dyndns deleted my free domain because I didn't login to their website once a month.

This happened to me as well; I used to use dyndns but I lost my domain when they switched the domain I had been using to a "premium" one so then I had to go and reconfigure everything that depended on it to a new domain so after looking at some other alternatives I ultimately decided to use EntryDNS with my own domain I bought from GoDaddy.

EntryDNS is donation driven and doesn't have any of the bull I found at over services (login once a month, upgrade to premium spam, link back to their site, etc..) and you have both the option of using a free subdomain and/or using your own domain. I've been very happy with their service and am considering donating something as a token of appreciation.

Comment Re:Because Hollywood. (Score 1) 544

Most people have never taken a ride inside let alone drive a manual transmission so to them the constant shifting of a car makes it sound exotic and sporty I suppose.

But if you think what Hollywood has done to cars is atrocious believe me when I say how Hollywood portrays guns should be a crime; my particular favorite is when the sound editor adds in the sound of a gun's hammer being pulled but the gun they're using is striker fired or when the sound editors make a gun sound like its full of paperclips and loose change instead of a well built precision machine.

Comment Re:The screams will be forthcoming soon.... (Score 4, Insightful) 107

(Yes I do realize that first link is The Onion but its funny because its basically true)

I don't particularly have ill feelings toward genetic engineering, in fact I believe it can be a good thing, but what I do care about is the profiteering of it that Monsanto has used to hold everyone hostage, though that is more of a symptom of the broken legal system than anything.

Monsanto has achieved a monopoly status by using the legal system to patent their modifications and then they sell those patented GMO plants that are (supposedly) only immune to Monsanto pesticides and then they go around and sue everyone bankrupt for using unlicensed Monsanto technology because nature did its thing and cross pollinated with some nearby farmer's crops. Monsanto's exploitation of nature to achieve a monopoly is so bad that some countries have completely banned Monsanto and its products. At this point it surprises me Monsanto doesn't have a protection racket going on where you can buy a "subscription" to GMO products that might happen to pollinate with your old fashioned non-GMO plants.

Oh and I'll just throw it out there that Monsanto were the ones who developed and peddled Agent Orange to the U.S. Government as a cure all for jungle warfare back in the day.

Comment Re:Hmm. (Score 1) 74

Google now incorporates things such as your search history and your emails to provided a customized start page.

Unfortunately in the process of doing this they abandoned the incredibly handy iGoogle page despite much protest but Google's "solution" was to tell everyone to switch to the Chrome browser from whatever browser you're using.

No thank you I'll continue to use Firefox and use igHome or My Yahoo! instead.

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