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Comment Re:Dumber and dumber (Score 1) 233

My dad installed aftermarket cruise control for the first time because a drive that should have taken 5 hours took 3. It just use to be hard to maintain speed for a long time: some people always followed others, some people checked the speedometer all the time, some people drifted faster or slower, and maybe a tiny number actually managed to keep a more or less constant speed; but it certainly wasn't some skill that everyone use to have and now no one has. It was invented to overcome a shortcoming.

Comment Re:Statistical fallicies (Score 1) 351

Citation please?

I could certainly believe this is the case with natural gas, which is as the name implies naturally occurring comes out during extraction, and is still a very cheap form of energy.

Gasoline on the other hand has to be distilled from crude, a process which I believe really only serve the purpose of producing gasoline. Gasoline is expensive, relatively easy to transport, and easy to burn, so I have a hard time believing they ever had an accidental surplus.

Comment Re:Hormone therapy? (Score 1) 784

Probably because most violent offenders don't pick their targets randomly, or look for easy targets. Instead they go after people they have an existing conflict with like rival gang members, people who made fun of them, or that guy that slept with their sister and never called back. [citation needed]

Comment Re:The point? (Score 2) 138

Weak case: MD5 is known to be insecure (very vulnerable to collision attacks), and presuming it was secure, this unsalted list of passwords was vulnerable to a rainbow attack. Similarly a short salt is still vulnerable to a rainbow attack. I understand that bcrypt and sha512 are popular these days. I personally like my salt to be the same length as the resulting hash and of course different for each password - I think this makes a rainbow list attack as complex as the birthday attack on average.

Comment Re:should of killed the DRM system (Score 2, Insightful) 138

I guess we lived in different 80s. The way I remember it there was a random list of things to look up and they had to be entered every game. I also remember on my Commodore 64 that most commercial game disks wouldn't copy (without hacking tools to copy bad sectors etc.), and wouldn't work on drives other than the 1541 because they relied on particular idiosyncrasies in that drive to enforce their protection.

The only reason they didn't make you connect to their servers is that modems weren't common.

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