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Comment Re:Database Scaleability. (Score 1) 272

If you have hit limits before (MySQL?) use a very mature platform that operates effectively when the DB does get larger than available memory for indexes or dataset such as DB2, Oracle and MSSQL and strongly type inputs and normalize your data set in the first place and use a language native data connector APIs, pointers and record locking. Just about anything important to the application needs to go through a Stored Procedure because database should not trust anything directly from the application to be suitable to a query at the data layer. As always set yourself up on a platform with service accounts that are RO and RW. In other words don't set yourself up outside the big data mainstream.

If your product is a unexpected hit you will have what seams like zero moments to fix the database and program design without business impact. And start with the DB and the Application/Web layer being VMs load balancing to begin with and the database in some sort of cluster.. Have the entire Apps platform packaged to go to a outsouced data center or Amazon on day one so that a 1000x user growth per day you have a plan. This is sort of Web Application Architecture and Design 101 as any code monkey can put data into NOSQL and hope to get it back through just the right query.

Comment Re:Projections (Score 1) 987

Scientist like Astronomers and Physicists laugh at the models of climatologists as having so many mystery factors and constants that are never described and just pushed around to get a chart that goes to a extreme a few years out so that surprise funding is assured. Data and Stats guys have issues with the models used to give a global tempetures up to 1950. Computer code guys have spaghetti code problems with the models, because it is all written by interns. We all have problems with the error bars assigned to all these predictions for the past 20 years. We are sitting below the error bars from just 5 years ago, we are crying foul and suspect the who AGW is being confused with the long term warming or cooling trend that is built into earths climate.

I am so unsure of the data and who might have last molested it I cant tell you if we are in a natural temp rise or fall since the time of Napoleon, Astronomers cant even tell you if the sun is releasing less or more energy than 200 years ago. see www.climateaudit.org

Comment Re:What about the hill next to that one? (Score 1) 230

There is a 1:100 risk that a house will be destroyed in the next year with something so bad that the occupants may die. Most us citizens think one in a hundread is a long shot.... it is to common on the timescale of residential housing. I don't want my federal tax dollars spent rebuilding as I know a 1:100 event will happen again in 10 years with the darndest of regularity. Limiting our risk via building codes is the way out, or go ahead and privatize the role of FEMA and let the insurance companies hire geologist and let the red lines begin.

LA Foothills, New Orleans, Bolder, Matha's Vineyard, SFO 1:100

Any Salt water beach, Sandy Point, Omaha, Houston 1:1000

Chicago, St Paul, Denver, 1:10000

Phoenix Az. 1:100000

Comment Govement needs to Limit its risk via Permits. (Score 2) 230

As a libertarian with a localist bent this is a issue I think a lot about. But if America wants a Nanny State....lets go full Nanny State where the Nanny can be fired if the kids go to the ER with a yard dart sticking out the side of little marys head.

If government worked as promised once a area becomes known as a slide, avalanche, wildfire, tusnami, tornado, sinkhole, earthquake or flood risk where the chance of total loss of the property or the occupants is a real number, permitting of new residences and major external improvements needs to stop immediately and insurance switches to high risk private insurance within the decade (or post bond equal to the value of your property).

Commercial property know are owned by people who know how to manage risk. (man I sound like a 1%er) The average citizen has no idea of the risks of home ownership until FEMA is tagging their house with spray paint. This will be beneficial to all of us who built and live in sensible locations and FEMA will have funds for the real freak events. (Johnstown Flood, Texas City, Dust Storm that swallows Phoenix, Yellowstone Super volcano, New Madrid) The plains and Midwest land in flood plains is for farming as it is most fertile and cheapest for the purpose and the risk is only a few thousand dollars per square km. Land near the seas is great habitat for birds and multiuse use parks. .

If a developer wants to attempt to improve area to mitigate the risk he can set a bond in perpetuity to pay for the losses on the high risk community and make the cost of the land closer to the true cost for the community. Corrective action may be attempted by developers but they are taking on future risk not the local, state and federal government. New Orleans, Florida, the foothills of LA, Sandy point, Martha's Vinyard and thousands of miles of coastlines will all still have there risky homes to buy but will be clearly a risky buy with not only high insurance premium but a declining value. Building on the side of a mountain or hill without rebar cemented into bedrock needs to be in the building code. Redlines will be back and drawn by Geologists, Mortgage Companies and Insurance Companies.

Comment Re:Bitcoin (Score 1) 455

These local merchants (gas station and minimarts) providing a cash discount are one breaking the law and most likely are cooking the books, Owner pulls 10-30% of the cash sales out of the registrar each night and void the cash sales off the books in a orderly fashion, make the CC/Debit Card and 90-70% of the cash sales less profitable. They understate their cash sales and put the 'merchandise loss' as theft or spoilage. A select few small businesses cook the books to avoid both local and state sales and income taxes, and have 'big shrinkage losses' to offset there reported income. After servicing that industry for a while I can tell you the only correct accounting at your locally owned gas stations is the lottery tickets. Fountain drinks unless your looking at a very modern machine are on the honor system and are a place to hammer the accounting. You will note the locals are slowly disappearing because there is no skim to speak of now that we are approaching 70% CC sales at most stations but some enterprising individuals are using cash back from EBT 'purchases' (conversion) to fill in the gap. These businesses are sold/traded between foreign aliases every 18 months because state tax authorities are slow and lazy, and the locals are on the take or political fundraiser ticket buyers club.

Comment Perfectly good State Law and Rule Making (Score 2) 397

Kudos to Fish and Wildlife of Alaska. Drones are no different than shooting from a quad or using a helicopter or plane for wildlife spotting, It is fine to use that gear to scout the area the day before, but once sun rises the day of the hunt it is the one sport that for all practical purposes stuck in 1910 technology. It would be nice to have a regulation that you can search for a wounded animal with a drone as that is where a few hunters run out of steam, in the tracking or chase of elk or moose that didn't get hit with the hunters goal of a ethical mortal shot.

A drone in the back woods with 3 cans of bear repellant and 3 noisemakers would be a very ethical use of drones to keep bears and hunters apart. And we are fooling ourselves if we think illegal hunters and poachers wouldn't use a easy to fly drone to monitor police activity.

Comment Re:Shill (Score 1, Interesting) 545

For that pleasure of eating a steak, I provide a fraction of a job to a US farmer, a US rancher, a US butcher, a US truck driver, a US refrigeration specialist and a US checkout clerk, the supply chain for meat is much more constant through booms and busts and spreads the wealth effect much more than for the collection of Integrated Circuits made in china. You smugness on deciding if my lifestyle choices are good or bad for society really prove nothing but liberalism and veganism are nothing but your opinion multiplied by a political correctness that says I cant respond in a human manner. I can only conclude Vegetarianism and Veganism robs the fallowers of this cult the the fats that keep you brain sane,

Comment Like he can get any more isolated. (Score 1) 1

Now the UN bothers imprisonment for a leader where life doesn't seem all that worth while even as the great UN. Should we threaten to cut off his internet porn, his access to former NBA players or blockade his Kentucky Bourbon imports. This regiem wouldn't surprise me as wanting to export tankers full of Soylent Green in exchange for Anime Snuff Porn.

Comment Re:Waste of Time (Score 1) 212

Dixiecrats are long dead, they were the last of the Conservative Dems of 1955. They were old southerners in 1965. Their kids were 40 year old Reagan dems in 1980 and most of them are voting in their last election cycle in this decade. Tea party events are full of 40-50 year old business owners who did very well in both 1990s and 2000 because of Conservatism and ultra low taxes, but now have hit a tax bracket where 50% or more of their income goes to government largeness. We now are at the point where 50% of the population pays nothing, benefits outweigh taxes for government. No wonder controlling the debt is minor issue with both parties. Republicans desperately look for the 10% they can strip off (rural states swings) and dems sit on 90% (urban middle class independents) who are being lead to biggest economic disaster since the fall of the Roman Empire.

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