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Comment From a comment on the story - so this is bogus (Score 4, Interesting) 237

This segment of oil and gas propaganda was brought to you by the good ol' folks of the Marcellus Shale Coalition and its friends at ANGA. What a joke! I'm sure the American Natural Gas Association (ANGA) will advertise even more on your station now as a thank you for this puff piece you proffered as news. I live in SW PA. I sadly know many, many families whose lives have been destroyed by the onslaught of drilling and fracking. For them, this might be the most insulting study I have seen to date. Why not point out, CBS, that the state of PA never even had 1 cumulative impact study on human health or the environment before they allowed the takeover of our state and government by big oil and gas. No consideration whatsoever for what this would do to our health, our air, our water. We are here to be the guinea pigs and no one really seems to care thanks to a lack of media integrity and coverage about the reality of living in the gasfields. CBS should be embarrassed to even play along with this type of bought and paid for "journalism". Congratulations Duke! You found a company here that can drill and maintain a gas pad exactly as it should be without a single complication and did a study (like the 7 or 8% failure rate on the cement well casings. This is one of the major reasons we have had so much water contamination and methane migration in this state. Check the DEP numbers here in PA. That is failure of cement casing on just the completion of wells, not the overall failure rate, over time, that is much, much higher). It is terrifying to think about all of the damage that the fractures (1800 ft) themselves can or will do in addition to the failed casings. You seem there are hundreds of thousands of abandoned oil and gas wells, and coal mines in all corners of this state that are further complicating this type of migration and contamination. Why not investigate that? Looking at one well and saying "Hey, this is how it is supposed to work when it does. See, it can happen." is not any kind of science or research that helps those of us screaming "WHAT DO WE DO WHEN YOUR DRILL SITES FAIL; WHEN YOUR FRACK PITS LEAK TOXIC WASTE; WHEN YOUR TRUCKS SPILL AND YOUR WORKERS ILLEGALLY DUMP ON OUR ROADS AND IN OUR WATERWAYS? WHAT DO WE DO WHEN WE CAN'T BREATHE THE AIR OUTSIDE OF OUR HOMES AND ALL OF OUR POLITICIANS and REGULATORY AGENCIES ARE BEHOLDEN TO INDUSTRY AND NOT THE PEOPLE THEY WORK FOR?" Now there's a story we here in Gasland would love to see. I will take any honest journalist on a tour of what fracking really looks like when things go wrong, as they often do, from the view of the harmed, the sickened, the destroyed forests and farmland. I will show you the massive frackpits that sit behind people's houses and poison their air. I will show you what black, putrid water looks like where it used to run clean and water animals. I will let you smell the smell of flaring and burning of god knows what from giant cyrogenic plants next to the home of toddlers and daycare centers. I will show you where toxic waste is buried on farmland and where water catches fire and well after well is destroyed, thanks to all of the disruption of the earth below it. I could show you all of this and yet the sad truth is that you wouldn't even investigate or report on it, just like the media round these parts. You have an organization to run and that takes lots of advertising dollars, not honest reporting. Just keep spewing the BS about jobs, safety, doing it right, American independence from foreign oil, and every other lie and industry talking point that you tell to justify the plight of my neighbors and the destruction of our land and the profit of your news organization. I'll be here shaking my head at your fault, but fighting back. I'll watch as our resources are shipped to China and India, while more and more foreign companies drill and have more rights in our backyards than the citizens of this state. I'll watch with great sadness, your participation in the destruction of my democracy. And I will continue to speak truth to power. My eyes were opened a long time ago. I understand how the world works. I know what part in the coverup media outlets like you play. I only hope that many of your viewers wake up and take your news for what it is, good old American journaltizing at its best.

Comment Re: MY ISP got hacked... (Score 1) 110

The part that bothered me was the hosting provider admitting that he thought this could not be done. To his credit, he seems to have updated everything and there have been no issues since. I think this was his wake up call, that could not assume that a Linux based server is invincible. Every time a patch is rolled out, unless servers are updated, the kiddie scripters load up and see who they can hack and wack.

Comment MY ISP got hacked... (Score 2) 110

And the blog I run is for my church. He said he did not know how this happened. Someone hacked a blog running an unpatched Drupal blog. This is what he said, anyway. Then used that breach to hack everything else. Since I could not determine what had been hacked/changed on the church blog, (user accounts wee created that I did not create!) I wiped it, deleted all the databases and started from scratch. So it isn't just crappy blogs - although if you happen to be a godless nerd you may think my church blog is crappy anyway.... B-) I support your right to be a godless nerd.

Submission + - IT Pro confession: How I helped in the BIGGEST DDoS OF ALL TIME (

iComp writes: Sysadmin blog I contributed to the massive DDoS attack against Spamhaus. What flowed through my network wasn't huge — it averaged 500Kbit/sec – but it contributed. This occurred because I made a simple configuration error when setting up a DNS server; it's fixed now, so let's do an autopsy.
The problem

I should start off by apologizing to CloudFlare and Spamhaus; my lapse contributed to a DDoS against their infrastructure. More damning than merely having been an unwitting participant is that I knew enough about this sort of attack to have set up rudimentary protections against it and yet I still forgot the critical component: actually disabling recursive lookups.

The way a DNS amplification attack works is simple. DNS servers can be configured in one of two basic ways. In one possible configuration a DNS server serves only domains for which it is responsible (authoritative). In the other configuration the DNS server serve those domains and goes looking on the wider internet for any domains it isn't personally set up to manage (recursive).

Submission + - The Underhanded C Contest is back (

Xcott Craver writes: After several years of inactivity, the Underhanded C contest has returned. The object is to write a short, readable, innocent-looking computer program that nevertheless performs some evil function for reasons that are not obvious under code review. The prize is a $200 gift certificate to ThinkGeek.

Comment Re:"Free" Trade, What Did You Expect? (Score 0) 617

I've been away from /. for along time - AC's are still posting GIGO. And yes, two wars, one based on lies, is Bush's fault as well as the debt load he lobbed to Obama as he helicoptered back to Texas. I was at the First Inauguration. People were cheering when the copter took off.

Comment Re: "sequester"/Washington monument gambit (Score 1) 617

I sense the Ayn Randian in you. You do understand that the Pentagon will also be cut, right? This is slash and burn, crackhead right-wing politics by those who want to eliminate the rights of workers. Yes, and those public parks - such a waste of money. Who started them? Teddy Roosevelt - who deserved to be on Mount Rushmore. Yet the current crop of Republicans charged up two wars on the credit card - one based on complete lies, and now want to cut what they have termed "entitlements" but not increase tax rates back to the 1950's when this country was building the interstates, schools, and infrastructure - now who did that? Why another Republican - Dwight D. Eisenhower. So while I am a complete supporter of the Obama Administration, I can also see the good that can be done when a party puts country above itself. I consider it a privilege to pay taxes in this country, if you don't want to pay them, poor pitiful tax victim, then the IRS will come a knockin. Bet on it.

Comment Sir Issac Newton is the deadliest son of a bitch (Score 1) 277

"This, recruits, is a twenty-kilo ferrous slug. Feel the weight! Every five seconds, the main gun of an Everest-class dreadnought accelerates one to one-point-three percent of light-speed. It impacts with the force of a thirty-eight kiloton bomb — that is three times the yield of the city-buster dropped on Hiroshima back on Earth! That means SIR ISAAC NEWTON IS THE DEADLIEST SON OF A BITCH IN SPACE!"

— Gunnery Chief, Mass Effect 2

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