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Comment Re:only 5.5%!?! (Score 2) 100

It seems reasonable to infer from the intoxicating effects of Bloodwine which is guzzled not sipped from dainty thimbles, that Warnog should be far from lacking in potency and certainly well in excess of 10%. It also dispels your assertion of Klingons being lightweights. I'd argue the flavor choice probably doesn't make much sense either, but I really don't have any canonical references to support that one way or the other.

Comment Re:Question! (Score 5, Insightful) 535

No. This is worse, way worse. While Microsoft has difficulty in executing things, they still maintain a basic respect for their customers. Facebook on the other hand has demonstrated time and again their absolute lack of scruples and moral integrity when it comes to monetizing their users.

This saddens and depresses me. I had such optimistic hope for Oculus.

Comment Re:I call BS. (Score 1) 169

They're talking about "bad" golfers that miss the well manicured/watered parts and land their balls in the rough "wild" areas outside. The parts with rocks, tall dry grass (remember California/drought), etc.. I think you're also imagining a flint fire steel. This isn't a shower of sparks, but it evidently may well be enough to ignite fires anyway.

Comment Re:Why does it need money? (Score 1) 185

The DSN doesn't appear to be that terribly over-booked.

BTW: we're talking about Opportunity not Curiosity. Either way, I'm sure university students would love a chance at that thing and wouldn't charge a penny. There's still plenty to be learned from Opportunity, and last I knew it hadn't even reached it's last science destination.

Comment Re:So what? (Score 5, Insightful) 342

Since when does the quality of customer service become the purview of law? There are no dishonest dealings going on. Customers enter into these purchases fully aware of the requirements of ownership. No one expects Walmart to provide a service center for the electronics they sell, nor a seamstress for their clothing.

This is protectionism and corrupt politics as can only be done at the local level pure and simple.

Comment Re:Here in Arizona (Score 1) 310

The "Commie" reason doesn't work so well any more except perhaps in the south where "because fsck you is why" remains their patriotic motto. Really I think the best way to spin this issue to get a final resolution would be to somehow frame it as a "do it for the children" thing.

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