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Comment Re:misleading (Score 1) 208

No the argument is that everyone is unfairly ganging up on mobile use to the exclusion of all the other ways a driver can be placed in a sub-optimal position of operating a vehicle. Cheeseburger guy is going to be more likely to cause an accident than the hands-free mobile guy, but nonetheless everyone is picking on the latter and forgetting about the former.

A person having a hands-free mobile conversation isn't going to be listening to the radio, isn't likely to be chatting with other occupants, isn't likely to be eating a cheeseburger, etc.. It isn't an additional distraction, it's just a different one. In many cases a smaller distraction relative to other activities that no one seems to give a second thought to.

Comment Re:misleading (Score 1) 208

Phone use while driving is a distraction, fine. What about cheeseburger eating? What about makeup application? What about conversing with a passenger? What about listening to the radio? What about adjusting the temperature? The blonde standing on the side of the road? ...

Where does the phone in its various modes of use stack up against the myriad ways in which a driver might be distracted? I have never heard of any such studies. Regardless of distraction, what is the overall competence of the driver for each of these myriad alternatives to full attention, hands on 10 and 2 (or 9 and 3)? The dumba** with a cheeseburger isn't going to use a turn signal any more than the one with his hand glued to his ear. The bimbo turned around yelling at her brats is just as unlikely to notice the evolving situation in front of her as the one updating her Facebook page.

Comment Re:So.. (Score 1) 208

Until these studies incorporate other forms of distraction for comparison these studies are pointless. Stick the conversants in the same car, measure the driving competence; use a hands free, measure competence; have them hold the phone, measure competence; have them eat a cheeseburger, measure competence. No one does. They all seem to start from a foundation of bias against mobile usage.

I'm not sure whether the person sitting next to you vs. hands-free phone call would be worse--though I suspect the person sitting next to you would result in poorer vehicle operation since there's also a visual distraction. However, the fool with his hand cemented to his ear is definitely going to drive poorer than the other two scenarios. Distracted or not, I guarantee the dumba** with only one free hand is going to not bother using turn signals. The cheeseburger guy in comparison will be a nightmare to everyone else on the road.

Comment Mud Huts (Score 2) 652

There are a lot of assumptions going on here. First, that anyone in the first world would even seriously consider living the "mud hut" life in the name of climate change. Second, that the ruling class in the first world would ever permit the rest of the world entry into the first world. Third, that energy consumption must be severely restricted since there are no safe ways to produce first world quantities of power absent carbon-based fuels.

The world's present energy mix, and consumption practices are built on a history of cheap, readily available fossil fuels. Properly incentivized (read: the external costs of carbon-based fuels captured), the world's production would quite naturally swing towards "green energy." Any gaps in technology would be researched and quickly filled. Efficiency can and would be found. There's no reason we can't do things differently and yet maintain a high standard of living except that entrenched interests on the production side like it the way it is.

Comment Re:Lost opportunity? I doubt it (Score 1) 554

Actually, you will find many Windows deployments via virtual machines configured to those kinds of specs. They run well for the purposes they were created. Also, your order of "true" system requirements is off. Vista was the largest resource hog between it and Windows 7 and 8 with 8 using the fewest resources. The OS has continued to back off on resource requirements. This cannot necessarily be said for the applications running on them, however, Microsoft isn't writing specs for those applications, it's writing them for the OS.

Comment Re:Hardware isn't Progressing (Score 4, Insightful) 554

Minimum requirements are perceived by many as a measure of efficiency. If Microsoft were to increase the minimum specs, everyone would be whining about how bloated Windows is. The operating system should NOT be a major consumer of a system's resources. A system's resources should be maximally available to conserve battery power (on mobile platforms) and for running software in general. For the Linux crowd, being able to run on ancient crap is a badge of honor.

Normally I'm not in the habit of praising Microsoft. However, the fact that they have been able to expand the capabilities of their OS as much as they have from where Vista was and still hold the line of system requirements is commendable. It certainly doesn't help drive new PC sales, but it's an impressive credit to their development teams.

Comment Re:Why still 32bit builds? (Score 3, Informative) 554

It has nothing to do with what is being run on these diminutive machines, it has to do with the needless complexity of supporting two architectures. The end user wouldn't know the difference, but it would lighten the burden for all software developers whether writing Windows, or software targeting Windows.

Comment Re:And the problem with this is? (Score 1) 488

Power companies have gas or oil powered plants to compensate during peek usage or other times when additional power is required. I'm not sure the point you're trying to make. I'm suggesting that power companies take advantage of market trends by adding solar installation and maintenance businesses. Kind of like how some natural gas companies offer appliance maintenance.

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