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Comment Re:Your Results Will Vary (Score 3, Insightful) 241

I find that most people trying to argue against math generally are doing so by asserting that if a certain math is not put to practice in the software that a person is developing that that math is unnecessary. It also seems to be commonly asserted that persons with a strong mathematical background are just being pretentious.

I believe that the anti-math crowd is missing the point. For a software developer it isn't the skill of solving calculus problems, but the skills required to solve calculus problems. What I mean by this is that in order to work to a solution for a given mathematical problem you are exercising many other skills. Skills such as logic, abstraction, visualization, etc. are very much employed in software development. You go to the gym not because you have aspirations of mastering a bench press, but because you aspire for a stronger, healthier body. Mathematics are an example of exercise equipment for a software developer.

Comment Re:I disagree (Score 4, Insightful) 241

Proficiency in mathematics for the most part has little to do with being able to learn a programming language. This much I agree with. However, proficiency in mathematics does provide a strong indicator as to what you will be capable of doing with those languages. You may not be performing Calculus or manipulating matrices in the software that you write but the skills that provide an aptitude for performing such math are very much relatable to software development. Such skills include, abstraction, visualization, and logic to name a few.

Comment Re:So what? they can be tapped to. (Score 1) 244

I don't see how it's that hard. Call it a hunch but, I doubt that these typewriters will be clacking away in even close to 100% sterile, 100% impermeable environments. Even if the room itself had a zero electronics ban, both sound and light are transmissible through walls where they can be intercepted.

Comment Re:Betteridge wins again (Score 1) 66

It seems difficult to me to develop intellectual and cognitive capacities absent the opportunity to practice and thus develop and hone those abilities. How does one learn to analyze if there is nothing to perform analysis on? How does one learn to reason absent the formulae requiring it? How does one develop aspirations if never shown anything inspiring?

Comment Re:Meanwhile... (Score 1) 253

A mechanic whose spent his life working on cars from the 1960's and 70's never bothering to retrain, will be hopelessly lost under the hood of the modern car. Certain things are familiar, certain principles remain the same but at the same time too much has changed for the mechanic to perform all but the most basic of tasks successfully. If a person wants to make a long term career out of software development, they absolutely have to maintain a practice of continual learning.

Comment Re:Yes (Score 1) 253

Little is black and white. Most common, is a spectrum of gray. But since the discussion was simplified binary to terms of good job vs. bad job, so too I simplified my answer to good employee vs worthless employee. You can complicate it if you want but the principle still carries most of the weight. If your skills are as common as dust, or as needed as a heat lamp in the Sahara at mid-day you will not be a good employee, you should not expect a good job.

Comment Re:Cry Me A River (Score 1) 608

Mundanes don't get to join all the clubs, but then in a similar fashion most geeks would make a piss poor brick layer. I'm sorry but that's reality. His whining rant however, doesn't understand the reality that even within software development there actually is a broad spectrum of ability. You have a range of people from the Donald Knuths to the lowly monkey bashing on the keyboard producing bottom tier web sites and Excel spreadsheets.

The requirements of front end development for sophisticated web applications I will agree is completely unnecessary bullsh*t. The ironic part of that however is that the cause much of it stems from the original goals of making it easier for mundanes to put together web sites. Regardless that's not the only game in town, and there are plenty of areas for the not so "elite" to develop for.

Comment Re:Meanwhile... (Score 1) 253

The biggest issue with these 30-somethings isn't what they "used to do" it's what they can do right here, right now. The "kids" get the jobs not because they have lots of experience, but because they cost less to employ making it financially reasonable to train them. Many 30-somethings expect high compensation but never bothered to keep themselves relevant and thus are uneconomic to train by prospective employers.

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