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Comment Re:Attitudes (Score 1) 223

So the expectation that an application doesn't randomly crash-to-desktop makes one "spoiled"?

Your attitude to claim that all FOSS developers just accept crashes makes you spoiled.
Not every bug is reproducible everywhere. If a bug does not occur or the developer's system, it's not his fault.

Comment Re:Not to mention Audio Editing (Score 1) 223

I'd still rather use Cool Edit from 1998 than Audacity. I'm glad we have a free tool like Audacity, but I currently use Adobe Audition 1.0 (they bought Cool Edit way back) running in Wine, which is a much better solution IMO.

If you want something like Adobe Audition, you should get something like Adobe Audition and not try to use a simple wave editor as DAW substitute. Get Bitwig Studio: https://www.bitwig.com/en/bitw...
I heard it's by former Ableton people, so they know their stuff.

Comment Re:Attitudes (Score 4, Interesting) 223

Things won't improve until two things are addressed. First FOSS devs drop the attitude that "It crashes sometimes" is an acceptable condition for software intended for productive work.

Really? That's the attitude of FOSS developers? I call that BS.
I think chances are spoiled users of proprietary software mistake being able to communicate directly with the developers with entitlement that a developer has to jump directly when a user discovers a bug.
No, bugs are handled with different priorities and just because a bug annoys you the most, it is not necessarily the most crucial bug to fix first.

If you want bug priorities to change, just announce to give 100 bucks to whoever fixes a bug you run into.
Bug bounty programs are quite common in FOSS.

Comment Re:Not to mention Audio Editing (Score 5, Informative) 223

Audacity is a simple wave editor, not a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW).
Audacity's direct competition are GoldWave, Nero Wave Editor, and so on and Audacity blows them all out of the water in areas that are objectively measurable, i.e. file compatibility, encoding performance, etc.

But comparing Audacity to a DAW is unfair. They are just different things with just some overlapping feature set – kinda like comparing a pure text editor with a word processor.

Comment Re:Bling... (Score 1) 155

The only reason Bing has 12.5% of the market is because it is the default search engine for any MS-based product, including (especially) its cell phones. Most people switch to Google as quickly as possible, but some just keep the defaults.

I doubt Windows Phone has a market share big enough to make a dent. More likely Siri from iOS.

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