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Comment Re:Ahh the real reason Net Neutrality is built (Score 1) 156

"ISP: NO! We do not want to spend it. Screw you! We gave it to the CEO and shareholders so we could keep our bonuses."

        FED: -:FBI/Swat arriving:- -- In response to the previous and on-going investigations and your current response you're all under arrest. Your business and all your wealth(including personal/family/close friends/mistresses) is confiscated. Your corporate charter is revoked. And when the courts finish ruling the way we tell them to and running roughshod over your overworked court appointed lawyer we'll make sure your cellmate is Bubba/Bubbette - 'the wonder cock/pussy' for the start of your cell mate rotation.

(Bubba/Bubbette) This is the modern US, can't discriminate since many execs are now women.

Comment Re:Yes! (Score 1) 156

"Barack Obama basically just gifted 4 billion in taxpayer money to the Telecommunications corporations."

      The president doesn't give money, congress does. Blame them. Like during the Clinton era when congress gave billions to expand the internet to schools and the telcos gave themselves a big payday when they weren't buying each other and many rural schools don't have decent internet yet.

Comment Re:Ramifications (Score 1) 334

"Germany has a stellar record of never actually falling down a slipperly slope"

      "Falling"!! Germany didn't fall anything. Like Russia now, they willingly jumped off a cliff ignoring the potential consequences. It took the rest of the world kicking the shit out of them to correct that decision. I hope you're listening Russia.

Comment Re:This sounds like a ruse. (Score 1) 618

"What it means is that if the EPA makes a regulation, independent scientists need to be able to look at the science it is based on and determine if it is sound science. While it can be misused, you seem to be satisfied with regulations being based on, "Trust us, we're with the government.""

      As opposed to "Trust us, we're industry". Which (government or industry) do you think would sell out their mother for a dollar?

Comment Re:So what if Congress doesn't reauthorize it? (Score 1) 206

"Bush didn't have recess appointments overturned in court because he made them while Congress was actually in session."

          Congress wasn't screwing around with sessions when Bush was in either since they were on the same team.

"Bush didn't have his Attorney General held in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over documents."

          Congress was on his side and his attorney general justified all the illegal stuff released by Snowden that's coming out now and AG office were still fucking up in court on major cases. But congress after the 2006 elections did start nailing G.W. Bush's AG near the end of his reign.

"Bush didn't use executive orders to unilaterally change laws passed by Congress like Obama has done with Obamacare."

            You mean like extra-ordinary rendition, creating the very programs we're all ranting about, going around the constitution on just about everything. Remember Bush was doing all if not more illegal things than Obama is doing now. We just found out about them on Obama's watch.

"Bush didn't have his Director of National Intelligence perjure himself in Congress over the NSA's surveillance."

        And how do we know?

        Face it Bush was no angel and actually considering he put most of the crap in motion still rates worse than Obama any day. Don't forget to give a big 'sieg heil' to another Bush creation, your friendly Department of Homeland Security representative on your way to lockup.

Comment Re:I'm male but... (Score 1) 545

"The point of view that they're there at work for you to hit on is inappropriate and unacceptable."

      No it isn't. Women exist on this world for us to hit on. That's part of our primary job on this world as men. Procreation is one of the main human drives. Stop being a puritanical hypocrite.

Comment Re:even a broken clock... (Score 1) 523

"I too want most experience of government to come from the state and local levels, like the Founders intended."

      We did that. It didn't last ten years. The uncorrupted version of current mess is what the founding fathers intended. They even anticipated some of the problems by writing about whether we'll be able to keep it or not.

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