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Comment Re:Different Governments have Different Issues (Score 1) 406

But don't rent an apartment and then say later you don't like the way it was built.

And i have a problem with that attitude right there, I'm paying for a service and if the service is build half assed and wrong i will complain and take my money elsewhere. It's after all my money, and i want the service. If it's the only game in town and i need the service all i can do is complain. After all if i don't nothing will change. Things will not improve if everybody is happy about them. And it's natural to assume that if nobody complain people are happy.

Comment Re:Backstory? (Score 3, Insightful) 51

It does seem insane. I mean how can the court not see that this case is clearly about killing vimeo and by extension video sharing sites. How can they expect all employees to be 100% diligent. It's never going to happen. If the only option to adhere to Safe Harbor is to have google class content filter Youtube is going to be the only game in town in the US.

Comment Re:so he did in fact break the law (Score 3, Insightful) 743

I'll point you to a huge corruption case currently ongoing in Quebec, It's a textbook case of having internal affair that is not working properly and become so useless that it's not even a stopping block to the corruption system. Stories like the construction contract in the city of laval where internal affair was in the system of Montreal where internal affair was flushed.... Yeah, it's not always that easy.

Comment Re: Government vs terrorists (Score 1) 395

Many people died because their names were in the mass of documents that Manning released. That's a real problem, and those names were unrelated to the "scandals" Manning was trying to expose. Those people died because Manning wasn't careful about what he leaked.

And i've yet to find a definitive list of people that died after Manning leak. The army even admitted in july that no one died. Can we please put that argument to rest. Manning leak only exposed corruption and spying, It gave a better understanding in the working of governments and international diplomacy. It helped me a lot in understanding why Canada's Parliament was so adamant in re-writing copyright law when our old law was sufficient according to all international conventions. The USA did it. They where even trying to pressure the government to shut up some journalist because they where inconvenient.... That's the true impact of Manning leak it expose the USA as a bully.

Comment Re:You can say the same about guns (Score 1) 322

Criminal get guns in some specific ways: They sleal them from a known mark, They Buy them at licence or unlicence store They smuggle them pass borders, Etc With good regulation you can prevent a some of these occurrence and then reduce the number of gun in circulation. For example, forcing every gun owner to have is gun in a locked gun storage cabinet would reduce theft. Forcing a background check for all gun store would prevent known offender to easily purchase guns. As the number of easily available gun decrease, the price of the easy gun increase. You get criminal who will carry less and start preferring blades and blunt weapons instead or no weapon at all because getting them will be easier. And hopefully, you reduce gun related death. It's not magic, it's not total and it's not impossible criminal will still get guns just less of them. And other countries have succeed.

Comment Re:United Nations jeopardizes its ... moral author (Score 1) 158

You do know that the US is giving quite a substantial part of the UN budget. One would think that is the UN was full of thieves and that they where stealing a you would say, The US would just stop supporting the UN. Make no mistake the UN exist because of the US. It's mostly a puppet not the other way around.

Comment Re:Consoles (Score 4, Informative) 278

Unfortunatly DRM is more about market control and medium control then preventing piracy. It was shown time and time again that all DRM is eventualy broken and will not stop the pirate. It will however stop the used seller, region lock the product and force antiquated distribution pratice. Currently piracy is the convinient excuse. I would think that if piracy would go away tomorrow our media would still contain DRM just in case...

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