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Comment Re:I can't wait. (Score 2, Funny) 327

There is an amazing - yet untapped source of energy that could be used. Portable too!

Or for somewhat less portable and still untapped energy source:

Comment Re:How has antimatter responded to this bias? (Score 2, Funny) 304

Get some Stevia no calorie but all natural (cough) sweetener.

Probably will taste about the same as that anti-matter swill that you've been using.

Plus it'll be somewhat healthier as you wouldn't have total annihilation going on in your digestive tract so you wouldn't need to eat as many Tums afterwards.

Comment Re:Is 1% significant? (Score 1) 304

While I would agree with you, isn't there more than electrical charge being reversed - like quantum numbers.

Also while it seems quite reasonable to expect that gravity to be unaffected going from matter to anti matter, has it ever been demonstrated experimentally?

Nature always seems to have surprises to mess with out theories and our minds :-)

Comment Re:Just a few points... (Score 1) 265

You keep riding the subway in $bigcity, and I'll keep driving my cars in rural Ohio for fun. These are not mutually-exclusive things.

Not if driving cars in rural Ohio for fun isn't sustainable. Not that I really have an opinion on that, I haven't run the numbers. Here's a silly question: why does any auto racing series which claims to have a technical component still use internal combustion engines? Shouldn't auto racing be electric by now? Or at least running on a carbon-neutral fuel?

Comment Re:Retroactive crippling of hw should be illegal (Score 1) 349

To return to the car analogy, it's like you bought a car which was advertised as being the best off-road vehicle on the market, if you just upgraded to monster truck wheels and tires. The dealer then finds out that people are using 4x4 vehicles to get to a magical land where vehicle accessories are cheaper than those sold by the dealer; in fact, they have accessories that make the vehicle useful for more purposes, so that the users are less compelled to buy another vehicle. So the dealer institutes a policy that whenever a vehicle is brought in to the dealer, they remove the front axle and the transfer case, and it becomes a 2WD vehicle; the user is simply lied to, and told that this change is necessary to make the vehicle safe, or perhaps to improve road safety. Now you're stuck with these gigantic wheels on a 2WD vehicle, and you look like an idiot driving down the road with 'em. They can be removed, but it's going to take additional labor, and you're going to have to put the original wheels back on. Unfortunately, in this car, you have to rebuild the entire car and replace all the fluids when you replace the wheels so now you have to do the oil, coolant, trans fluid...

I'm updating the slashdot firmware to remove the bad analogy option.

Comment Re:not necessarily impossible (Score 1) 349

...I'm sure in a case like this that something can be worked out. Instead of actual reporting and checking up on the situation, we instead get people using words like "impossible"...

So... They reported what the situation *is*.. And that's not actual reporting? The fact of the matter, it *is* impossible to go buy a new PS3 with OtherOS. It *may* not be impossible in the future, however that's conjecture, not reporting.

Comment Re:Sony is a terrorist organization (Score 1) 349

What does Apple have to do with this? In what way is the licensing for an Apple Computer different than a Windows PC? If your talking APPLIANCES, like Game machines or phone devices, such as iPhone, the Apps offered with iPhone don't 'come with the unit'. They weren't sold with it and certainly weren't guaranteed from Apple to be allowed on the device.

In regards to Game consoles, Sony is on a limb here all by their lonesome, as Apple doesn't have a game console (although arguably the iPhone, but they haven't crippled some game that came with it), and there is no similar situation on the XBox either that I know of.

Try to keep your rants in line with the topic at hand?

Comment Re:Big patent holders are still the bigger problem (Score 1) 159

Backroyalties (license fees for past infringement) -- or the equivalent in case of a lawsuit, damages for past infringement -- certainly add to the problem, but the biggest leverage a patent troll can have is the ability to force an "infringer" to discontinue shipping a key product (or several key products at the same time). That's when a company's ability to stay in business becomes seriously endangered and that's the perfect basis for a hold-up.

Comment Re:Yeah... (Score 1) 145

It looks like someone puked down half the screen.

Well...I wouldn't quite say that. It's different - that's for sure. But, I have seen puke on a screen (my roommate, freshman year, came back and got sick in front of his computer) and the Google redesign doesn't look like that.

I'm not normally a person to care too much as long as I have an option

So...that means you must care quite frequently as most websites/software/etc don't give you that much of an option on how THEIR interface looks. And, to be fair, you do have an option - go to a different search engine. Or, don't even use the main Google interface. There are many ways to get the results you are looking for that doesn't actually involve hitting the home Google page.

Much like youtube, where their redesign is personally hated as a facebook rip-off.

I can understand not liking the new layout. Definitely entitled to your own opinion. I haven't particularly warmed up to the new Google look yet. However, you then go to say (and this is why I'm responding at all)...

It's seems that in both cases, the redesigns are universally disliked

"Universally disliked" is a very strong set of words. Do you have proof of this? You mean there is NOBODY who actually likes the changes?

but good ol' google is being evil by not responding to consumer complaints over it. Other than "screw, you."

Now that's just not being fair. Google has to make decisions at times about how THEIR product looks. If you read the blog posts (by Google, as well as by others), Google did quite a bit of acceptance testing and research to determine how to best layout their new site to provide better information, more information, and make it easier to read. You may not like what's up there now, but you should have seen the ones they rejected. Either way, Google is not being evil here...they are running a business and trying to make the views to their search results viable and on the cutting edge. They may even make mistakes while doing that (as I said - I'm not sure what I think about the new design yet), but they are most definitely not being evil here. And I never once heard them say, "screw you." Not once.

Comment Re:In Summary (Score 1) 170

To paraphrase a great quote:
You are so wrong that even in a universe where you were somehow right you would still be wrong.

When you start treating common tools as weapons you turn vast swaths of the population into criminals, which is only a good thing if you consider a police state where everyone is a criminal a good thing.

The (not so) funny part is that's where eternal copyright+DMCA leads us, too.

Have you done anything illegal this week?

If you think the answer is "no", how sure are you of that really?

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