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Comment What airgap? (Score 2) 213

It doesn't matter. Either there's an airgap, where nothing can get out regardless, so it doesn't matter, or their's a hop along the path you don't control so the security of your device doesn't matter.

If you have an Intel processor, then there is already a radio backdoor built in. See

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 532

I've seen these before, and I hate them with a passion. Can't see it if you look directly at it, but the more motion-oriented vision at the edge of my vision would catch it.

They seem to be rare, though.

Peripheral vision is much more sensitive to higher frequencies. The central vision taps out at around 40 Hz, while the far peripheral can sense up to around 120 Hz. Doesn't mean that the sensitivity is zero above that, though, just diminished. So any self-respecting system engineer would set the modulation frequency to twice that. Sadly LCD monitors are apparently not designed by self-respecting system engineers.

Comment Lie Detectors ans Friends (Score 1) 768

The government could put you on a lie detector or similar machine and ask you the questions. Even if you refuse to speak, the machine could detect a response which incriminates you. Given that there are now machines that can use 'mind reading' to control other machines, the likelihood that such machines some day soon be able to detect if you did it without your speaking is quite high.

Comment Re:Oh geee... (Score 1) 54

No it's not. It means a patent is garbage that's been obscured and made useless for the purpose of CONVEYING KNOWLEDGE.

If I can clarify, patents have two parts. The first is a description written so that you can understand it. The second part has the claims, which are the incomprehensible part. If you want to implement the idea, you only need to understand the first part. The claims explain what aspects of the invention are covered by the patent. The claims are what you are interested in if you want to have your day in court. If all you want is to implement the idea in your back yard, read the first part and have at it.

Comment Mosquitoes (Score 1) 124

The Photonic Fence project was proposed with much fanfare about six years ago, to rid Africa is disease-carrying mosquitoes. Rumor has it that the Gates Foundation has cut funding. The project appears to have developed nothing of practical use, although the project leaders responsible appear to still be in control. Is there going to be a serious forensic analysis of how the project went south?

Comment Re:Is it fixed? (Score 2) 247

I do the same thing as the author in the article. To confirm this you need to change the email address you received the spam from at the same time you notify the company.

e.g. localaccount

becomes localaccount localaccount

If 'thecompany2' address gets spam they're still compromised. Repeat until fixed or you lose trust in 'thecompany'.

Personal admission: I am already at amazon5@yadayada.

Comment Re:Oh no, he's rich. But we're looking at that wro (Score 1) 812

Dealing successfully with the ironically-named 'justice system' (where 'successfully' is defined as 'minimal loss of wealth/immediate freedom/future earning potential/continence' is based on two key factors: 1) Do not appear to have anything confiscatable 2) Flatter their ego Stupid people care about the law. They think that if they obey the law, they will be ok. The fact is, the law really doesn't matter. Cops don't know the law, they just enforce it. The most important thing is to not get involved with the police, and if you do, to not get arrested. If you get arrested, you have already lost. The law only matters after you are arrested. But even then, you will end up plea-bargaining to an unrelated charge anyway. The idea that you will stand up before a judge and he will see that you were in compliance with the law and you will achieve some kind of 'justice' is pure naivete. Even if the case is dismissed, you lost.

This is brilliant.

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According to all the latest reports, there was no truth in any of the earlier reports.
