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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 5 declined, 0 accepted (5 total, 0.00% accepted)

The Media

Submission + - Universal to walk out on iTunes? (nytimes.com)

Bellum Aeternus writes: "Looks like the Universal Music Group of Vivendi is considering abandoning iTunes and the million of iPod owners that purchase music every year. Universal Music Group of Vivendi is demanding greater control and pricing power before it'll sign a new contract with Jobs and co. Who's more persuasive Steve Jobs or the world's biggest music corporation?"
Real Time Strategy (Games)

Submission + - Startcraft II Announced

Bellum Aeternus writes: From Blizzard's website: "StarCraft II continues the epic saga of the Protoss, Terran, and Zerg. These three distinct and powerful races will clash once again in the fast-paced real-time strategy sequel to the legendary original, StarCraft. Legions of veteran, upgraded, and brand-new unit types will do battle across the galaxy, as each faction struggles for survival.

"Featuring a unique single-player campaign that picks up where StarCraft: Brood War left off, StarCraft II will present a cast of new heroes and familiar faces in an edgy sci-fi story filled with adventure and intrigue. In addition, Blizzard will again offer unparalleled online play through Battle.net, the company's world-renowned gaming service, with several enhancements and new features to make StarCraft II the ultimate competitive real-time strategy game."

Trailers are available as well.

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