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Comment Re:Rule #1 (Score 4, Informative) 894

Legally speaking, every male American citizen between the ages of 17-45 who is not an active duty member of the armed forces and every female member of the National Guard is a member of the 'militia of the United States' by federal law (10 USC 311). That militia is formed for the purpose of draft selection but, it's still a militia set up by federal law and if that doesn't meet the requirements for "A well regulated Militia" then I don't know what does. I, being a 28 year old male citizen of the United States, therefore consider myself to be a member of the well regulated militia of the United States and therefore have the right to bear arms. Even if I have not to this point chosen to exercise that particular right.

Comment Re:Hint (Score 3, Interesting) 1160

You do know that only treason, murder, and (in a few states) child rape are punishable by the death penalty in the United States, right? Keeping these people locked up for life is also an excellent way to prevent re-offending. In fact, it's cheaper to keep them locked up than it is to execute them in most cases.

Comment Re: Why wait for birth? (Score 1) 128

The problem with your statement is the fact that, until a certain point in gestation when the fetus is capable of living unsupported by its host, a fetus is simply a parasite living off of said host for a number of months until birth. I can't bring myself to grant the full rights of personhood to a being who literally draws all of its oxygen, water, and food (not to mention waste processing) from another living being without giving its host a say in whether or not she wishes to remain a victim of parasitism. Now before anyone posts trying to 'remind' me that I was the same way, yes, I was also a parasite in my mothers body for a significant fraction of a year. She chose to allow me to remain there, causing all sorts of physiological issues, until I was done gestating. That was her choice and I don't want others to be denied theirs.

Comment Re:How is this news? (Score 5, Insightful) 176

Yes, it makes sense to pay up your pension fund in advance...not 75 years in advance though! By paying into your pension fund 75 years in advance, you are funding the pensions of employees who haven't even been born yet. I can see requiring that the next 25 years worth of pensions are funded in advance but 75 years is insanity and for most businesses would be completely untenable.

Comment Re:Why is there an assumption of privacy? (Score 1) 262

O_O Michigan's vehicle registration is ad valorem too, and for vehicles initially registered in 2012, the base rate was between $33 and $148. It even declines 10% every year for the first five and the 5-year-old rate is the one for the life of the vehicle from there on out. That means that if you bought a new $10,000 car it'd cost you $33 to register last year and a $100,000 car would still only cost $148. That $436 registration fee is a very good example of the vast differences in cost of living in this country.

Comment Re:Flying East. (Score 1) 105

I read your comment and have been trying to understand what the issue is. This plane has flown at night before. It collects more solar energy during daytime flight than it uses for power and stores the remainder in batteries for use during nighttime flight. Even if it couldn't, this aircraft is quite slow so, it wouldn't outrun the sun in an east-to-west flight.

Comment Re:Maybe I'm missing something?? (Score 3, Interesting) 66

What focus group agenda? I was actually swept into a focus group for that idiotic movie Welcome to Mooseport back in 2003. I was at the mall down in Daytona Beach, Florida and my roommate and I were asked to join a focus group watching clips from the movie and giving our opinions on them. Many of these groups are just made up of random people in shopping centers and other public places. I don't see where an 'agenda' could be gleaned from that.

Comment Why is Chemistry Mandatory? (Score 1) 866

When I was in High School (graduated 2003), we were required to have at least 2 years of science but, we were allowed to choose our science classes (Biology, Physics, or Chemistry). I knew that I had certain...issues back then and probably shouldn't be allowed near dangerous chemicals so I took one year of Biology followed by two of Physics (I liked it quite a bit after my first year and so I took a second one as an elective). I had enough layman's knowledge to cause enough trouble so, I really didn't want to add any actual education to that. Now that I'm almost a decade removed from that situation and have spoken with some of my fellow graduates, I've discovered that I was probably correct in keeping myself away. Those fun experiments where you learn about exothermic reactions would have just sounded like detonators to me back then.

Comment Re:Plagiarizing Yourself? (Score 5, Insightful) 234

I understand the entire copyright thing but how the HELL is a software engineer supposed to remember every line of code that he's ever written? If he later goes to work at a different company and re-writes the same lines for a relatively simple function like this one what happens? Can it always end like this with a lawsuit? It just feels to me that it's a waste of time to go to court over a few lines of, potentially copied, code written by one man twice.

Comment Re:Yay, now we get Sanderson back! (Score 1) 228

You know, I've always wondered why there's not more fantasy where you see technological advancement as well. I'd have to imagine that there would have to be some smart individuals that are incapable of using magic in these worlds and therefore try to find other ways of doing things. I'd still understand that the developments may take longer since magic would be 'easier' and is already there, (for example, the fact that clean energy is taking so long to develop in reality since coal and oil are still quite abundant) but, most fantasy worlds where magic is abundant and generally known about, are stuck quite firmly in the feudal period.

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