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Comment Re:Why are you so obsessed with genealogy ? (Score 1) 292

Its not just Americans. I'm Irish (not Irish-American, born, raised and still living in Ireland) and I'm interested. In some ways the USA is luckier as being a country of immigrants they have had to keep good records whereas many of the records in Ireland have been destroyed delibertly by the govt. or in war by anti-govt or just never created. It was a great way to reconnect with lost family members and to learn more about the family history.

Comment GRAMPS, TRIBALPAGES.COM (Score 1) 292

1). GRAMPS is the only real OpenSource genealogy software, everything else is out-of-date and crap. If you used any other software like FamilyTreeMaker before it takes a little getting used to but great software. 2). is a good site that for $20 will create reports/family tress that you can download as a *.pdf. All the work on Ancestry should not be in vain. Export your family tree as a *.GEDCOM file and can be imported into GRAMPS or other sites. Bit of advice stay away from as once someone connects their tree to yours you NO LONGER CONTROL THE DATA and cannot delete the tree.

Comment Re:Worst Decision by Yahoo (Score 1) 311

I don't understand why they are shutting it down, why not try to sell it? How many members does Delicious have, must be a HUGE database of saved, tagged and crosslinked websites. Pity there is no wiki- bookmarking site that we could all import our bookmarks into. Nothing out there really grabs me at the mo :( Rob

Submission + - 768-bit RSA encryption has been cracked (

jaq1an writes: SilconRepublic is reporting that 768-bit RSA encryption has been cracked using a cluster PC approach. Quote from article "Whilst this crypto cracking feat is impressive, it highlights the fact that the days of relying on encryption alone as a means of defending private data are now drawing to a close."

Is nothing safe anymore?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Downloading Photos on Linux

I've been searching for a descent photo downloader/renamer on Linux for the past two years. Most programs like Digikam, gThumb, F-Spot will import photos but they will not allow you to rename them as you want. On windows I used XnView Media Detector, which is okay but a bit slow. Then a lad on the Ubuntu forums pointed me to Rapid Photo Downloader ( and it just blew me away. Its extremly fast, can download from multiple cards, flexible renaming options allows you

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