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Comment Re:I wonder when... (Score 4, Interesting) 234

Hell, they do that already, at least for their business accounts. I wanted static IPs so I bought a business account for my home. Every month or two I get a letter in the mail from Comcast offering "a free account review!" How kind of them to offer to upsell me for no extra charge, lol.

I have residential cable and business internet (yeah, for static IP). Every month or two, Comcast residential calls me up to get me to sign up for internet, and Comcast Business calls me to sell me cable TV. Both want me to sign up for phone service, too.

Comment Re:The Alliance of Artists should lose this suit (Score 1) 317

I'm actually surprised people still have CDs. My first gen ipod touch is smaller than a CD box and fits much more, plus I can easily change the contents when I bring it back home for a recharge/sync. For the record, still lasts about 10 days of playback in the car (omg battery not replaceable!).

While it's getting better, MP3s you legally buy have relatively low bitrates. With a CD, I can rip based on my requirements and limitations. For example, I can determine if space or quality is more important, given the storage size and qualities of my speakers. I still buy CDs to have a physical back-up in case of HD failure, and to be able to rip to a newer technology in the future.

Comment Re:Advantages? (Score 2) 146

If an application doesn't need to listen for connections, it shouldn't open a port. A firewall won't make any difference here. If an application does need to listen for connections the firewall will need to let them through. Again, the firewall doesn't help - at least not at the level of sophistication you'd see in a home router's firewall.

Except I want my legal music collection to be accessible to computers within my home (DLNA server), but if external computers have access (without use of a VPN), I may be guilty of illegal sharing. Ditto for other things which should be available on a LAN, but not be public facing.

Comment Re:Advantages? (Score 2) 146

Frankly there's no excuse for any modern software to be vulnerable even if connected directly to the internet with no firewall. This isn't 2003 any more, and in any case it's commonplace for computers to be connected to all sorts of untrusted networks such as public wifi. So anything that assumes "a firewall will take care of it" is utterly irresponsible.

I think you misspoke. It's irresponsible to think an external firewall will take care of it, so every computer / virtual machine should have its own. However, it's asking for trouble to allow untrusted traffic to arrive to any software. Just being accessible opens it up for a DDoS attack.

Comment Re:Local testing works? (Score 1) 778

Until the country is filled with a larger proportion of people with consciences and sanity installed in their hearts and minds than it is filled with self-serving individuals who, for some mysterious reason, *want* and *enjoy* the thought of others suffering, then we will live in a miserable place which punishes people.

I obviously make more than minimum wage (I think that's true of most, if not all /.ers), but am still in the middle class. The proposals raise the minimum wage without addressing those earning more. My buying power goes down for every dollar per hour more that minimum wage increases, unless my salary also increases. I don't want or enjoy other people suffering, but I must first meet my own needs (and I do mean needs and not wants).

Maybe we should get contracts where are salaries are X times minimum wage (or cost of living) instead of a strict Y dollars.

Comment Re:Local testing works? (Score 1) 778

But the point of the article is that the argument that 'raising the minimum wage will kill jobs' has been disproved.

The article cites data which shows that locally raising taxes doesn't destroy local jobs. The people who argue that higher wages means a loss in employment (or higher cost of living) rely on it happening universally. The locals earning a higher wage can purchase goods produced in an area with a lower wage, thus costs to individuals and companies haven't increased. If all states raised the minimum, there wouldn't be any domestic low-wage alternatives; people and companies would have to pay more or import from other countries.

Comment Re:Supreme Court did *not* say corps are people .. (Score 1) 1330

The way to prevent their resources being used for things they disagree with is to lobby for political change, just like any other individual.

Hobby Lobby's owners find it religiously objectionable to provide health care to its female employees that includes birth control. However, they apparently have no religious objections to investing 401K money in companies that make birth control. Making money off birth control = religiously fine. Providing access to birth control = sinful and must be stopped!

Does Hobby Lobby choose which stocks are included in their 401k, or do they outsource to a financial institution?

Comment Re:A win for freedom (Score 1) 1330

Go get all the abortions you want, but private businesses have the option to not pay for it.

Funny, that's been my stance my entire adult life. My sect is fine with contraceptives, but sees most abortions as sinful (obvious exceptions exist, such as terminating a pregnancy caused by rape). I share this view, but recognize that others may disagree. Just don't make me pay for it.

Comment Re:So much for that idea... (Score 1) 404

If you have a parking space for renting there, I'm pretty sure that would be illegal. Same if they decided to rent your bedroom to a tourist as a B&B. Your rental agreement provided you with your place (I'm guessing an apartment) and a parking spot. The landlord is not able to then legally rent out to someone else what you are already renting. ianal, but damn, there are some things that are pretty bloody obvious and well documented to even the public.

We didn't have assigned stalls in the parking lot (indeed, the stalls weren't even numbered). In non-game days it was first-come first-served. Each resident was allowed to register a single vehicle with the office. Temporary passes were available for visitors, and parking stickers were only enforced after hours or on game day.

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