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Comment Re:This propaganda is worse than 2003 Iraq fiasco. (Score 1) 667

Dunno what China has to do with any of this, but if you fear a war is coming, maybe you should tell Putin to stop? Because he's the one hell-bent on conquering his neighbours, which is what this is about.

The only country hell-bent on war is the United States because their power and influence in the world is waning and the sun is very rapidly setting on their empire, such that it is.

Comment Re:It gets worse... (Score 1) 667

These missiles were supplied by the Russians.

Really, because the only side known to absolutely have such anti-aircraft missiles are Ukraine, and they've used them to shoot down an airliner before.

For Russia or the pro-Russian militia to argue otherwise is incredulously sad, pathetic and stupid. Shameful.

As opposed to all the other unsubstantiated propaganda?

Comment Re:Let us keep our thoughts with our Kremlin frien (Score 1) 667

When did they do this before? If they had, we would have definitely heard about it because YOUR dictator Putin would never shut up about it if it did. Fuck off, Russian troll!

Let me Google that for you you idiot:


Put simply, we already know Ukraine has the equipment, and they've used it.

Comment Re:Let us keep our thoughts with our Kremlin frien (Score 1) 667

My guess is that the Russians gave their people/proxies in eastern Ukraine enough training to shoot something down, but not to clearly ascertain what they were shooting at.

Errrrr, no. Russians don't do that nor are they going to provide any equipment that will incriminate them. People forget that for all westerners believe they are a bunch of irresponsible peasants these people play a heck of a lot of chess, which means they sit back, investigate, take stock and when they make their move you don't even knows it's happened. Russia is not some tinpot country in some backwater and that's what makes the current situation so dangerous.

Comment Re:Its who expected a profit, not who realized pro (Score 1) 667

The simple fact is that the Russian backed separatists *believed* they were firing at a Ukrainian military transport.

The simple fact is that neither you nor anyone else knows that at all, and it hasn't been established that Russia has even given the separatists anti-aircraft missiles not to mention the training required. Moscow might provide subtle help, but not that kind of help. Ukraine, on the other hand does, and they've already shot down an airliner with them before. That's the only 'very basic logic error' here.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 753

It's all a game, and there was always too much paper floating around to make a gold standard serious.

I love to hear people talk about money, and particularly their idea of a 'gold standard' and what 'problems' it caused, obviously without the faintest idea of what they're talking about. Mind you, you're among some exalted economists in that regard,s so don't feel too bad. I suggest you go and read some Adam Smith first of all.

Fiat money is simply a numbers game. We were given a warning in 2008 that that numbers game will not continue but that's obviously fallen on deaf ears. The irony is that the rich have got richer since then because they bought into hard assets - art, shares, property, land, gold, silver, rare artifacts (there's a reason they did that) - while those who had a regular salary and saved in dollars, euros or whatever have got continually squeezed and could afford less in real assets. It never ceases to amaze me how the ignorant get attached to their little fiat currency denominations.

The rest of the world will just move on, and stand in line for their mark of the beast. The good news is they can pay for that online.

Good luck with that, because they are increasingly unlikely to want your useless electronic numbers that you place so much value on. The ECB is going to create a whole lot more of them.

Comment Re:Meh. (Score 3, Interesting) 116

That's the problem I have with watching movies online. As soon as online movie services feel they have reached a critical mass they'll be pulling all kinds of stunts to squeeze more money. Ever more draconian licensing (we all know it's coming), movies withdrawn without explanation and pricing based on pathetic attempts at trying to find your screen size. Disney thinks the latter revenue method is viable.

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