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Comment Re:However.. (Score 0) 247

They happily took the risk, with full knowledge.

If the expected combined loss after a rescue mission was greater than the expected loss without one, the right decision is to not stage a rescue. That's not a popular decision, obviously, so the correct decision was likely exactly what was done: don't look, because if you do see a problem you can't (or shouldn't) do anything about it anyway.

That is an extremely slippery slope that just ensures a guaranteed disaster, and I'm afraid making idiotic assumptions like this is how and why Richard Feynman showed up NASA's incompetence and stupidity.

In fact, I can't quite believe how moronic this post is.....

Comment Re:Model X is the Wrong Model (Score 1) 155

I hate to break it back to you but the S is not a hatchback in any way shape or form and it's stupid to say that it is. The Golf segment hatchback in the US and throughout the rest of the world dwarfs anything else. As it is he's got no chance of selling US-centric cars in the rest of the world and will forever be painting himself into a niche.

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