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Comment Re:Do most of the work? (Score 1) 443

People using simple editors rarely do. The work and the risk that you'll introduce a bug often isn't considered worth reconsidering the name of a function or identifier. Especially with OO code.

But if you're using an IDE with refactoring support, there's next to no risk, and it's fast. So there's no reason not to rename if clarification is needed, or the code was originally written by someone who's not good at naming things.

I do it quite often.

Comment Re:Markets, not people (Score 4, Interesting) 615

What you describe sounds analogous to harbour-pilots that are used to navigate big ships in and out of port. They belong with the port, not the ship.

You could imagine that long distance truck journeys could happen without any driver on board, then they pick up a driver just on the edge of a city to take them to their final delivery.

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