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Submission + - Fork in the career road?

shawn443 writes: I had a TI-99 4a, I bought a Tandy with my paper route money. I have always loved computers. Now I am 34 years old and still love computers. In 1997 I was honorably discharged from the United States Marine Corps. Thanks to the GI Bill, I graduated university in 2002 with a political science degree. For a variety of circumstances, I have not had much luck getting paid with computers. I have an opportunity to further my education. If it were you and you wanted to get paid; would you study more IT, get a business degree, be an underwater welder, be dental tech, etc.?

Comment Re:IT policy? (Score 1) 904

And this I think is the answer to the "Ask Slashdot". As has already been pointed out, you can't really expect Linux to be like Windows. They are two different philosophies. In a properly maintained system you can destroy your /home but not mine. Security and policy enough for me.

Comment Re:China and India (Score 1) 902

Nice point about making birth a consumer's choice. However, it doesn't matter as long as 1. the baby is loved and 2. its not like Pet Cemetery. Otherwise yeah, a commercial during the super bowl about this shit will make me puke.

RIM Settles Long-Standing Blackberry Claim 295

David Jao writes "Research in Motion has agreed to pay 612.5 million dollars for a 'full and final settlement of all claims' resulting from the NTP patent lawsuit against the makers of BlackBerry. According to the article, the settlement is 'on the low end of expectations', perhaps because the patents in question had earlier been preliminarily ruled invalid by the US Patents & Trademarks Office." Many article submitters characterize this move as 'giving in' to NTP's tactics. What do you think?

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One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is... If they do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. -- Joe Martin
