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Comment Re:Um.. we don't see it as advancing our career (Score 4, Insightful) 125

I find this notion interesting.

I am a manager. I have hired people over 50. On my team right now I have 3 people within 3 years of full retirement. One of whom I hired within the last year. I also have two that are within spitting range of 50, one of who I hired less than 6 months ago.

When I'm bringing someone on board in the 40+ category with 20+ years of professional experience, I have drastically different expectations than what I'm looking for in a 24 year old kid who's on his first salary gig out of college.

I'm looking for someone who understands corporate structures, workflow analysis, generalization. I'm looking for someone who says, "When you boil this down, it's an asset management system, and I've worked with half a dozen different vendors and 4 different home grown systems that do the same thing". I want someone who can sit down with users, look at what their doing and not just imagine up a new piece of software, but understand the business process to the point where they can make truly business impacting recommendations with a realistic grasp of what it would take to accomplish. I want someone who will pull the young bucks aside and explain to them the merits of simplicity and maintainability, someone who can do code reviews without being a pretentious dick, someone who can help guide that next generation of developers into the future engineers and architects I need.

People over 50 absolutely have a place in the development arena. But if you're 50 years old and still expect to have the same responsibilities as a 24 year old kid, you will be sorely disappointed.


Comment Re:The problem is that landfills are too cheap (Score 1) 371

If you live out in the country in the US, you have to take your trash/recycling into a dump or collection site.

The typical approach is that you charge enough extra for trash/dumping that it covers the cost of recycling.

It has the benefits of being self-funding, and it puts a price point on motivating consumers to recycle.

As a GP up the tree pointed out though, the more expensive trash is, the more likely you'll see people illegally dumping. So it's a balancing act of funding recycling without driving off low income citizens to cheaper (illegal) means.


Comment Re:Too soon to tell? (Score 1) 250

In the amount of time not spent beating my head against the wall.

I'm in management these days, so I only have to deal with it as it impacts my schedules and retention. Upgrading My Eclipse Blue was incredibly painful. I get complaints about memory management, crashes, and EARs missing files. The integrated SVN system makes me weep when I have to try to explain to devs what /move and /switch SVN commands are. Or the inane restrictions our support team puts on our use of the product because they're trying to steer us around issues that will corrupt workspaces and configurations to which their only solution is uninstall/reinstall.

Same crap with XCode. We use to have a daily pool to see who could pull off the longest up time.

Now, if you want to get into code, things get a bit mirkier. Java is catching back up, but the .Net framework's implementation of generics and more importantly LINQ is still leaps and bounds over Java. And while Spring and other libraries have improved the ease and speed of data access over Hibernate, .Net's Entity Framework is super easy to work with (so long as there are good drivers for the DB you're hitting).

Java's documentation is superior, no questions there. Microsoft's MSDN isn't bad, but if I run into something odd, it's almost always augmented by Stack Overflow.

And historically speaking, I've had less issues upgrading the .Net framework on servers/desktops than changing Java version. Especially since .Net 3.0 (1->1.1->2.0 was rockier than I would have liked).

Anyway, they are all 3 valid development platforms. I have my preference, others have their own.


Comment Re:Sounds like a plan! (Score 1) 1067

This is exactly the problem!

Lets say the OP has a system that is designed to distribute money to a group of investors. He takes the money, divides it by the number of investors, distributes that money, then he reduce the account balance by the amount tagged for distribution.

So he has $1 mil, and a list of 4 investors. Each investor gets $250k and his account drops $1 mil.

Now lets say that the list of investors is empty, the code runs, and distributes $0 to no one, then his account drops by $1 mil.

Sure seems like there should have been an exception in there!


Comment Re:Too soon to tell? (Score 0) 250

Ehh, Mono wasn't an enterprise class option. I gave it a sales pitch at a couple of different shops as a cross platform option. None of the brass felt comfortable going to it for fear of it diverging or lagging excessively from the .Net platform.

We'll see how it goes, but after developing in My Eclispe/Java, XCode/Objective-C, and Visual Studio/C#, I can say without a doubt that VS/C# was the most productive IDE/language I've dealt with.


Comment Re:Razr v3 (Score 1) 313

I bought my wife a Motorola Tundra. She doesn't want a smart phone, but she does want something that will get reception in the boonies and survive the rigors of horse back riding (or falling off said horse). I have seen that phone light up while at the bottom of a 3' deep creek, and she called me on it after taking a dive off a horse and was in need of an ambulance. So it passes my tests ;)


Comment Re:Any materialized predictions? (Re:Sudden?) (Score 1) 268

by "link" I assume you are using a colloquialism for directions to a specific resource. One might think of it as a "Universal Resource Locator".

For instance, there is a "link" to http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessm... but that does not identify the specific resources you are looking for. To do so, we would need to provide a more specific PAIR of links, for example:

http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessm... Page 131, Figure 1.4, TAR predictions 2001-2030


http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessm... Page 131, Figure 1.4, Observed Temperature Anomalies

Now, you can argue the quality of the data, the accuracy of the models, and the legitimacy of the authors all you like. But these are TWO fully defined links to the exact information you are looking for.

If you would like to offer up your home address, I will personally pay for a special needs assistant to come to your residence, open a web browser for you, scroll to page 131, show you figure 1.4, and read aloud to you the text and description.

The burden of proof my friend, now lays on your shoulders.


Comment Re:What is normal and how many were born? (Score 1) 220

You have a point, if you spray a bee colony with neonicotinoids, the bees will die.

But how many people in the world are spraying bee colonies with neonicotinoids?

When you plant a neonicotinoid treated seed in a barren field, do you know where the bees are?

I'll give you a hint: no where's near the barren field. There's nothing growing yet, there are no flowers, no pollen, nothing to eat. Those bees are still holed up keeping warm and waiting for plants to start budding.

Are there idiots in the world that do spray neonicotinoids on flowering plants? I'd imagine so, but they are being retarded, not following instructions, and should be held accountable.

Neonicotinoids are not pleasant things, but they are a hell of a lot better than the previous generation of insecticides. Ideally the next generation will be even better with lower risks than these present. But to lump all pesticides into a bucket of "bad" is grossly inaccurate.


Comment Re:Can't wait to get this installed in my house (Score 5, Informative) 514


Up to 17 cents cheaper per KWH (22c day, 5c night).

Assuming you blow 10kWh per day, primarily between 6am and 11pm, that's upwards of $2.20/day.

If you move your entire 10kWh load to the battery system and charge it over night, it drops you down to $0.50/day.

$1.70 savings per day. That's 2058 days to recoup the $3500 expenditure, or just a bit over 5 1/2 years. Over the ten year warranty period you'll save ~$3000, assuming electricity prices remain constant.


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