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Comment Re:Search engines are expensive and this is niche (Score 1) 424

Playing devil's advocate, if I search "database redblack c#" isn't "redblack c#" the context in which I'm searching database? In other words I don't want to see articles that only contain the term "database", no matter how many Kardashians are also mentioned.

I realise it's embarrassing to Google, as keeper of all human knowledge, to say "0 results", but I'd LOVE to be able to confirm that was the case sometimes.

Comment Re:This makes no sense (Score 1) 424

Agreed, and agree with TFA. It's like "you entered a word starting with K, did you mean Kardashian?" these days.

Search for what I typed in the fucking box and keep your suggestions and corrections to yourself.

Google search is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to software doing this sort of thing. I can't stand Word Autocorrect for instance, and it's recently gotten more aggressive and will change colour to color before I've even finished typing 'colourful'.

My philosophy is that I have all these buttons to push in front of me and it's up to me to press the ones I intended to press. If I wanted something different I'd push different buttons.

Comment Re:Routing around it. (Score 1) 474

If your discussion can't take place without making someone feel bad, why should we allow it to take place? Not a politician or celebrity whose stepped into a debate, but someone who just happens to be overweight because they're undergoing chemotherapy for example.

And scream whatever amendment it is that jerks use to justify these acitons, I'm not a US citizen so I couldn't give less of a shit. I mean one of the amendments tells Americans to all shoot each other all the time - how's that been working out lately?

This whole idea that we'll have lost something as a society if we can't insult random innocent people is so retarded it hurts my head.

Comment Re:The Power of Standards (Score 1) 81

That's right, and if you multiply it by, say 100 million downloads, to keep it simple, then they have wasted about 3 years of time and 10 million dollars worth of disk space for no reason. It's likely to be an order of magnitude or even two higher than that over the lifetime of the product.

It's like saying that every time Office is slow or buggy then only a few minutes of time or pages of text are lost. If you multiply that by the amount of usage it's had in the last decade or two, the amount of lost productivity across every sector - government, education, finance, logistics... is huge.

We would all be driving nuclear powered hovercars today were it not for MS Office.

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