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Comment Re:Awesome Here in Colorado (Score 1) 439

In Blacksburg, VA here. It's been snowing every other day, accumulating to no more than a light dusting most of the time. But the temperature usually floats between just below and just above freezing in the winter. I'm in the mountains as well, so the weather is completely unpredictable. This whole week has turned my back yard into a muddy mess, which then turns into frozen mud at night. Today, it's 54 degrees out. Just got back from a drive down some back road to nowhere in the 5.0 with the T-Tops out. Gotta say it's been the best afternoon in a long while.

Comment Re:Rubber Band (Score 1) 208

Oh you kids and your fancy pencils. I took the liberty of stipping stranded copper wire, and painstakingly placing individual strands between pins inside the socket of an Athlon XP-M 2600+ to overclock it to 2.8GHz. And we liked it that way.

Comment Re:Why don't people with ponytails (Score 1) 366

I'm big on being with someone I like, even if that means disregarding potential factors such as hair dictating the poor health of my offspring. Not everything is a science experiment you know. If I had a girl turn me down because my hair is short rather than long and therefore I must be hiding something, she is insane and needs a reality check anyway.

Comment Re:Killing desk space? (Score 1) 370

I did this with my samsung 20.1@1600x1200 (1200x1600 more accurately) near finals back in may. It helped a lot with studying out of ebooks and taking practice tests online. It makes gaming a little funky, but it's not hard to turn the monitor back for a frag session. Unfortunately I'm a fan of 4:3 monitors and it seems a 1600x1200 has become very expensive. :( Even the widescreens with a 1200 or greater vertical resolution are a tad pricey compared to the 1600x1200 price of a few years ago. What a shame...

Comment Re:Why is it harder on GPUs than CPUs? (Score 1) 144

of course existing GPU solutions in slots are MUCH easier to upgrade, which is something against this sort of solution, unless they come out with a form factor that combines Chip+Cooling solution (similar to the old Slot1/A)

You're not gonna believe this dude, but someone beat you to the idea of a slotted GPU. Sorry. =[


They put all the pins on the bottom in such a way that it fits into a modular slot on the motherboard and even comes with built in cooling. =]

Comment Re:Accessibility.... (Score 1) 160

So true. In my car, I replaced the head unit with a model from Sony that doe stuff like... play CDs. The two biggest requests I had looking for it? The screen wasn't obnoxiously bright and blue so I can actually drive at night, and a big ass volume knob. Conveniently, it is at my fingertips reach when my hand is on the shifter, so looking down really isn't necessary.

Call me crazy, but I think a touchscreen radio/navigation system/TV/WTF system in my dash would be awfully distracting.

Comment Re:Call him Monkey Boy all you want (Score 4, Interesting) 616

MS essentially walked into the marketplace because programming for the XBox was easy if the game had a Windows version. Ease of programming=more games and better games.

Ouch. Yes, I'd say you are correct and I agree with you. Unfortunately, this has also resulted in games being programmed for the Xbox then ported to Windows. This leaves you with clunky interfaces and bugs that are nearly unbelieveable. One good example of this is GTA4. Designed with the Xbox in mind, it's been hell for anyone trying to run it under Windows.

This isn't to say that there isn't hope. I'm just hoping developers will start paying some attention and realize that a console UI isn't fit for computers and the amount of bugs is just unacceptable.

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One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is... If they do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. -- Joe Martin
