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Comment Re:You stole too little (Score 2, Insightful) 107

Everyone knows that you get a negative reaction for stealing a small amount. Steal a couple million and you'll be respected.

Not just stealing. As Eddie Izzard pointed out in his standup performance Dress to Kill:

You know, we think if somebody kills someone, that's murder, you go to prison. You kill 10 people, you go to Texas, they hit you with a brick, that's what they do. 20 people, you go to a hospital, they look through a small window at you forever. And over that, we can't deal with it, you know?

Someone's killed 100,000 people. We're almost going, "Well done! You killed 100,000 people? You must get up very early in the morning. I can't even get down the gym! Your diary must look odd: “Get up in the morning, death, death, death, death, death, death, death – lunch- death, death, death -afternoon tea - death, death, death - quick shower"

Comment Re:Plant? (Score 1) 382

What do you NEED Java for nowadays? What do you NEED enough of it to justify a control panel icon, background services, etc.? Basically nothing.

How about things *outside* the browser, like desktop and server applications. How about embedded applications like many (most? all?) Bluray players.

There are many, many more things in this world than your browser.

Comment Re:It's not a networking issue. (Score 1) 384

Engineers have a code of ethics

I'm not aware of any code of ethics. Though the company I work for has a general saying that when you do an action, ask yourself if it's something that you'll want to be remembered for, which all employees do, even the management, accountants, etc.

In other words: Would you do it if your mom was watching / would know?

Comment Re:GNU/Emacs on any platform (Score 1) 443

Both vim and emacs are similar, ...

Well... for some definition of the word "similar". Emacs is far - far - more extensible and, quite frankly, more powerful *and* the base LISP interpreter can actually be used for non-editing work. However, for many subsets of work that extra power and extensibility is not needed and vim is fine - especially for short, simple edits. As vi/vim usually comes with the base OS by default (especially Unix - i.e. non-Linux - systems), knowing both editors (as I do) is preferable. For most programming work or complicated file edits, I generally use emacs though - since the late 1980s - my current .emacs config file is from 1990 - and, yes, I'm old.

Comment Re:Can I turn features off? (Score 1) 443

I can type really, *really* fast,

Great, you're *that* idiot with the deeply tab-indented code that everyone else has to reformat to make readable - thanks.

For emacs in particular, all the various "electric $LANG" modes have different ideas of which characters are electric, what their behaviour is, and what coding style I should be using.

And any setting of said modes can be customized to your liking interactively or in the .emacs config file. (I've carried mine with me since 1990) Stop tabbing and do a little research.

(defvar smart-newline-modes
'(c-mode lisp-mode emacs-lisp-mode lisp-interaction-mode cperl-mode perl-mode java-mode)
"*Major modes for (smart-newline) action.")

(defun smart-newline ()
"(reindent-then-newline-and-indent) if in a mode listed in smart-newline-modes. Otherwise just (newline)."
(if (memq major-mode smart-newline-modes)

;; Use (smart-newline) instead of (newline) -- "C-M"
(global-set-key "\C-M" 'smart-newline)

(setq c-mode-hook
'(lambda ()
;; Set `C' coding styles.
(setq c-argdecl-indent 4
c-auto-newline nil
c-indent-level 4
c-tab-always-indent t
comment-column 40

Comment Re:Two Word "Critical Thinking" (Score 1) 302

My wife Sue developed two classes for the Virginia Beach City Public Schools Gifted Education Program (in the late 1980s) focusing on critical thinking skills and they are still taught (synopses from the 2015 Curriculum Guide below). I imagine other school systems offer (or can offer) something like these - you can also Google "Think Tank for Super Thinkers" ...

Think Tank for Super Thinkers (GP 1172):

One-half credit, first or second semester, Grades 9-10 This program utilizes an interdisciplinary approach that introduces a core of consultants from the professional and academic communities of the arts, social sciences, applied sciences, business, and media to the participants. Students will learn to research, assimilate, and respond through group work. The instructional focus will require students to think critically about social, political, economic, and environmental issues of our day. Field trips and attendance at cultural activities may be required. This class is offered at each high school, is taught by the gifted resource teacher, and is offered in an online, blended format.

SPARKS (GP 9500):

One-half credit, first or second semester, Grades 11-12 The SPARKS course will allow selected students to participate in a course designed to encourage the discovery and discussion of new and invigorating ideas, the development of critical thinking skills, and synthesis of complex issues. The course is offered in an online, blended format, allowing students to research and discuss selected topics. Instructional approaches are varied and may include speakers, debates, workshops, field trips, and community service projects. Online and face-to-face discussions will be conducted in a multi-disciplinary atmosphere encouraging students to make connections and explore relationships among different disciplines.

Sue was named the Outstanding Gifted Teacher of the Year for Virginia Region II in 2005, a few months before she died in January 2006. (See the "Teacher" link on the Remember Sue... page.)

Comment Re:One Assumption (Score 4, Insightful) 609

That the Citizens United ruling did not say that corporations are people (but instead that tightly-held corporations are effectively partnerships)?

Irrelevant pedantry, the two sentiments you expressed are effectively equivalent. Mitt Romney himself said, "Corporations are people, my friend."

“Corporations are people, my friend,” Mr. Romney responded, as the hecklers shouted back, “No, they’re not!”

“Of course they are,” Mr. Romney said, chuckling slightly. “Everything corporations earn ultimately goes to people. Where do you think it goes?”

Of course, what he forgot to mention is the people everything ultimately goes to is the shareholders (and management) not the workers - who *actually* provide the labor and value of a corporation. In the mind of Republicans like Romney, the workers are replaceable cogs in the money machine who are ultimately only of value if they're inexpensive (as illustrated in recent news)...

Comment Re:One Assumption (Score 1) 609

If the Republicans can't figure out a way to marganilize people like Ted Cruz and prevent them from grabbing the microphonez they're doomed.

Ted Cruz is a garden gnome. Print up some posters and t-shirts with photos of him as the Travelocity Gnome and people will quickly see how un-presidential he is (assuming they can't see this obvious thing yet).

Comment Re:The trick... (Score 1) 246

... somebody who can turn off emotion like a switch and only turn it on when it suits them ...

I think the problematic phrase is "when it suits them" and I would speculate that it rarely suits them to turn their emotions on and empathize with others, especially when doing so would conflict with personal gain.

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