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Comment Re:Really? We Allow this S***? (Score 1) 120

Lying? By rule Verizon's new LTE network isn't technically 4G. Neither is Sprint's WiMax. T-Mobile's HSPA+ network is an upgrade and significantly increases data rates for the users. I guess technically it would be like 3.5G but from the very loose 3G and 4G marketing speak, 4G fits for me. Maybe when T-Mobile goes to advanced LTE they will call it 4.5G.

Comment Re:Archimedes, again? Really? (Score 1) 795

If you drive a car you HAVE to have insurance. If you go to the hospital you HAVE to have insurance. Who goes to the hospital? EVERYBODY.

I wish the focus would be on health insurance reform so that the doctors and facilities providing the services make most of the money, not administrative costs and executive compensation.
The Military

Military Personnel Weigh In On Being Taliban In Medal of Honor 171

SSDNINJA writes "This is a feature from gamrFeed that interviews nine US service members about playing as the Taliban in the upcoming Medal of Honor. One soldier states that games like MoH and Call of Duty are 'profiteering from war.' Another says, 'Honestly, I don't really see what the whole fuss is about. It's a game, and just like in Call of Duty, you don't really care about what side you're taking, just as long as you win. I don't think anyone cares if you're part of the Rangers or Spetznaz, as long as you win.' An excellent and interesting read."

Comment Re:Forced to include in EU? (Score 1) 292

What about the ipod touch? if you put the two devices together then they do have a substantial market share. Competition law could come into play here. You are right that it wouldn't be exactly like Microsoft's case but it might be for a judge to decide whether or not Apple is playing fair.

Comment Re:Android sales since 2007 are up ERROR%! (Score 2, Informative) 445

In context he was right... search engines retain information and he cant guarantee that google can keep the information that it gathers private. His inner politician must have been off that day because he should have used more PC words. But i actually applaud him for being honest, and saying something that we all know to be true... with the patriot act in play, no information is private or safe if the feds want it.

You're underlying issues arnt with google but with all search engines because they are required to keep this information.

Comment Re:Not until it stores the maps local on the devic (Score 1) 439

Dude... they just released it. Tom Tom sucked when it was first released, and you have to pay for upgrades. Google collects massive amounts of data (it's what they specialize in). They've only just started to put it all together. Imagine a couple of releases later. This service will rock, give it time.

Comment Re:Sin taxes and the rich (Score 1) 776

Agreed, but

Sure occasionally someone will get fat, but if they do so out of their own free will, who am I to judge?

People who "live off of" soda and bags of chips tend to be poorer and less educated These people also are the sickest and use up a substantial portion of health care resources - and general welfare resources. Have you seen the US's balance sheet lately? We can't afford to simple "not judge" obesity. Turning a blind eye, as you seem to imply is not even an attempt at a solution.

Comment Federal Mandatory Recycling (Score 1) 325

Is it not time to require recycling of plastic, glass, and metal for everybody? It really doesn't take that much effort, and it has cut down on my trash output so much that I no longer have trash service. Between recycling and composting I throw away 1 bag of trash every 2 weeks, which I drive to the dump myself for free.

If that is too cumbersome for most people then how about the federal government impose packaging standards that helped reduce waste? For example, how about we promote "refills" for things like detergent, and soaps instead of buying the whole plastic container again? It seems like something simple like that would have immediate impact in help solving pollution problems like this as well as using less plastic (or foreign oil to take it to another level).

Submission + - Obama unveils high-speed passenger rail plan ( 1

ozgood writes: President Obama unveiled his administration's blueprint for a new national network of high-speed passenger rail lines Thursday, saying such an investment is necessary to reduce traffic congestion, cut dependence on foreign oil and improve the environment. His plan would be funded in part through the recently passed $787 billion stimulus plan, which includes a total of $8 billion for improvements in rail service. Obama has also proposed a separate five-year, $5 billion investment in high-speed rail as part of the administration's suggested fiscal year 2010 budget.

The city of Chicago, Illinois, would be the hub of the proposed Midwest Regional Rail System, which would stretch to Madison, Wisconsin, in the Northwest; St. Louis, Missouri, in the South; and Detroit, Michigan, in the East.

His plan would be funded in part through the recently passed $787 billion stimulus plan, which includes a total of $8 billion for improvements in rail service. Obama has also proposed a separate five-year, $5 billion investment in high-speed rail as part of the administration's suggested fiscal year 2010 budget.

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