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Comment Re:Just wait until... (Score 1) 188

silk worms are quite plump, If said individual does try this, and tapes enough of them on, perhaps the worms could break the persons fall. if each Silkworm (Sw) has a force absorption of ..........( lots of pseudo math and physics and bogus assumptions)... then approximately 64k of them should be enough for anyone to safely try it :)

Comment Anyone heard of Roblox? (Score 2, Interesting) 116

My 12 year old plays it, a lot. I can't get into it (it seems horribly broken sometimes), but they have managed to keep it fairly clean, the chat hasn't yet gotten out of hand, some of the creations are quite nice, and my son can now type about 60-70 wpm. Its crazy the number of Games kids have created, and the apparent ease that a kid can pick up the tools and get creating. Its even getting my son interested in Lua scripting, which is quite neat.

Comment Re:The most exciting PvP experience I've ever had (Score 1) 101

I've been playing a game called Armada Online (think Armada from the Dreamcast) for the better part of 6 months. Just a top down space MMO space game, Free ( as in beer) and the game is full of suprises. It has some nice features, decent customizability, great ( IMHO) PVP (team and solo) some entertaining PVE and Crafting ( which is both rewarding and oooh so disappointing). The PVP ( once you've gotten a decent understanding of the game/ship abilities) is quite intense, there is quite a bit of team work needed, tactical decisions as well as over all strategy required. It takes a few weeks to really get an appreciation for the game, but worth it in my opinion. Oh, newbs are welcome, noobs are swarmed :) Open areas include: Haven ( pve) Delta 3 (Pve) Malestrom( PVE+PVP) Nexus ( PVP) The Burn(PVE) Netural Zone( PVP)
PC Games (Games)

September Indie Game Round-Up 23

cyrus_zuo brings us the latest set of reviews for recent independently-produced games. A panel of reviewers takes a look at 10 games, including The Spirit Engine 2, an action RPG which receives high marks, the humorous Strong Bad game, and Eternity's Child, which has earned quite a big of negative press recently. "Despite what some may have said, EC certainly isn't the disaster it is made out to be, not by a long shot. However, it feels like it is brushing up against greatness only to have its wings burned and that makes the short-comings feel all the more painful."

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