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Comment Not all PCs have 8 GB of RAM (Score 1) 107

modern computers start with 8gig of memory

Is the ASUS Transformer Book, a 10" convertible laptop computer, not "modern" because it ships with only 2 GB of RAM?

Besides, not all computers still in use are modern. I do most of my web browsing on a four-year-old Dell Inspiron mini 1012, a 10" laptop that came with only 1 GB of RAM and runs Xubuntu. Flashblock helps keeps Firefox below half a GB, after which point the bottleneck is not memory but the fact that Firefox uses only half of the CPU. Though an Atom has two-way simultaneous multithreading, Firefox is still single-threaded which brings a longer wait for complicated JavaScript and CSS to finish processing, especially on things like or Slashdot beta. My first-generation ASUS Nexus 7 tablet computer is stuck at 1 GB as well.

and then there's the page file/swap space.

A lot of computers without a rotating hard drive, such as my Nexus 7, can't afford to swap. Instead, they have a harsher OOM killer.

Firefox is a browser meant for browsing... and if that's what you're doing with it, that 1gig of memory is nothing. What background apps are using up the other 7gig?

I'm guessing that when no application is using part of the RAM, the chipset could power down unused RAM to prolong battery life.

Comment Re:$400 per year to use your own money (Score 1) 67

And no one is doing that now, without bitcoin.

True, some people already have a smartphone, but not everyone does. Someone paying $7/mo for service on a cell phone used only for urgent calls might have to pay five times as much ($35/mo) for service on a phone that supports Bitcoin payment.

This is like trying to include the cost of an electric generating plant in the price of a toaster.

I see it as more like people who currently have normal home electric service (120 V AC) and would have to upgrade to 3-phase with a hefty surcharge per month in order to install a specific appliance.

Comment But not a binding precedent (Score 1) 463

And the precedent is that distracted driving laws are not valid and can be ignored.

I don't see how that's true, for three reasons. First, the featured article states that the vehicle was stopped while the phone was in use. Second, a DA's decision not to prosecute isn't exactly a "precedent" in the common law sense. Third, even if the officer had been found not guilty in a court of law, another judge could apply the narrower precedent that police are above the distracted driving law but not necessarily above other laws.

Comment Re:Continuous improvements to IE for Windows 7 (Score 4, Interesting) 79

I really wish developers wouldn't use YUI or jQuery for things the web browser is more than capable of doing itself.

The whole reason for things like jQuery is that under old IE, the web browser wasn't capable of doing a lot of these things itself. If you go to the You Might Not Need jQuery site and set the compatibility slider to IE 8, for example, a couple solutions end up as "just use jQuery". Not needing massive workarounds for deficiencies in the latest version of the included web browser on a still-supported PC operating system is a relatively new concept. Five months ago, a Windows operating system that couldn't be upgraded past IE 8 was still in extended support.

Comment Re:Choose CGNAT-compatible apps instead of UPnP (Score 1) 84

I guess the reasoning is that people behind a static IP probably don't need UPnP. If you pay extra for a static IP, you're probably doing so because you have more computer networking knowledge than the average user of the WWW, and you can just use your Internet gateway's configuration panel to forward incoming port ranges to particular machines.

Comment Continuous improvements to IE for Windows 7 (Score 3, Interesting) 79

From the featured article:

Finally, browser vendors are now committed to making continuous improvements to their web browsers while aligning more closely with standards.

I'm curious how long Microsoft will continue improving Internet Explorer for Windows 7. Microsoft has historically ended development of new IE features once a particular version of Windows goes into extended support. This means Windows Vista is stuck on IE 9, and unless IE 12 comes out before January 2015, Windows 7 will be stuck on IE 11. In any case, even IE 9 supports enough of the W3C DOM that you might not need jQuery or any other monolithic framework in your site's JavaScript. People who can't give up IE might end up having to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 8.1 with Classic Shell.

Comment Re:Why wouldn't they? (Score 0) 67

And due to it's nature, it is actually harder for the merchant to be defrauded than with regular credit cards... Not sure where the downside here is, especially if they are not holding them.

I can think of one downside: People might be less willing to pay with Bitcoin if they don't get the protections that they'd get from their bank's credit or debit card. Besides, how would one go about spending without Internet access, such as while inside a brick-and-mortar store with no guest Wi-Fi?

Comment Re:How Does SpaceX Do it? (Score 1) 78

Bullshit. The law [] authorizing NASA directs NASA at numerous points to plan and promote things that fall under "having vision".

Only if you're under the influence of sufficient drugs to be having hallucinations, or have a complete lack of understanding of the English language. Given your posting history and complete lack of connection to reality, it's hard to discern which is the case. (Not that it matters, as the end result is the same.)

Decades is the usual shortest time frame discussed for this sort of thing anyway. You're not in disagreement with most "space fanboys" on that. I think it's a bit dishonest to downplay someone's ambitions as delusions and hallucinations while simultaneously admitting that the only real problem is that you think their estimates of time to achievements are mildly ambitious.

Space fanboys never discuss time-frames, as that requires doing a painful thing that they never voluntarily do - which is deal with reality. (And estimation of time-to-achieve is hardly the only problem with their fantasies, err..., ambitions.)

Comment During the days of Nintendo DS online play (Score 1) 84

WPA/WEP (a.k.a. half-arsed encryption that we never really thought through): turned off on every router I've ever used, since day one of installation.

Was this true even during the days of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, when the Nintendo DS couldn't use anything but WEP? Or did you just skip the DS?

Remote administration (a.k.a. let random strangers on the Internet sit and brute-force your passwords with no way to tell it's happening): turned off on every router I've ever used, since day one of installation.

So when you're setting up a home network for a relative who lives far away and is not technically inclined, and you have to troubleshoot it, do you make plans to get on an airplane whenever something goes wrong?

Seriously. There's zero impact on always VPN'ing over your wireless connection to a machine that has a fixed line to your actual Internet connection.

Except on machines that do not support OpenVPN, such as a video game console.

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