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Comment Re:Just for the sake of balance... (Score 1) 445

With quotations it's a well known fact that the longer ago they were invented the truer they are


For example there was a story written thousands of years ago. It says the Earth was created out of nothing by a bearded man in a white dress and it took him six days. All that happened a few thousand years before the story was written.

Nobody is mad enough to believe that.

Comment Re:Facebook does stuff like this a lot (Score 1) 158

This. I tried to convince three friends to quit FB, and they were vehemently against it.

Three different reasons given:

1. I have nothing to hide, so why not share everything with everyone?

2. My privacy settings are on, so it's okay.

3. I don't care, I want to keep in touch with my friends that live in the same dorm that I also text obsessively and eat every meal with.

My generation is as anti-privacy as they are anti-copyright; they hate the establishment but love giving said establishment all of their data.


Councilman Booted For His Farmville Obsession 185

Bulgarian Dimitar Kerin won't have to decide if he should tend his crops or pay attention to Plovdiv City Council business anymore. The committee voted him off 20-19, saying that he obviously "needs more time for his virtual farm." From the article: "Kerin was not alone in his obsession among council members. Council chairman Ilko Iliev had previously warned several of them that the new wireless network and laptops provided to all 51 council members were not to be used for playing games on social media sites during budget meetings. Kerin was singled out for continuing to manage his farm and milk his cows despite Iliev's warnings. "

Comment Re:From the No Duh Dept. (Score 1) 801

Everywhere in the usa. if you kill a pedestrian with your car , you are at fault, you get manslaughter charges.


"Vehicular manslaughter is a kind of misdemeanour manslaughter, which holds people liable for any death which occurs because of criminal negligence, or a violation of traffic safety laws. A common use of the vehicular manslaughter laws involves prosecution for a death caused by driving under the influence"

Driving legally is neither negligent nor a violation of traffic laws. Ergo, unless you were driving illegally - drunk, speeding, running a red light - it would absolutely NOT be manslaughter.

Comment FGIIYDBM (Score 1) 801

There seems to be a common misconception around here that if someone is killed, somebody must be guilty of something. But it isn't the case, and it's nothing to do with the judge's discretion or how cute the deceased is.

In short, if there was no intent to injure, no negligence and no recklessness there's no manslaughter. If you're driving within the law (license, sober, roadworthy vehicle etc) then an accident is basically an accident and that's it.

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