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Comment Re:"bad press", "interested in security" (Score 1) 306

Form the NSA's perspective, they are interested in security - while the NSA itself has numerous means of getting into a system (including some legal ones!), they don't want China or random hackers to be taking control of systems. They're overall goal is security of the US, so while one arm is doing that by trying to collect all the information, another arm is doing that by locking down everything.

Comment Re:Yes it should ship! (Score 1) 112

There's a difference between creating a product and creating a market for a product. The feature-phone/smartphone market was pretty much stagnating until Apple released their iPhone, at which point it took off. Android helped, but that was a bit later.

Comment Re:Only 100 mph? (Score 1) 443

Yes, the speed limit is typically a maximum of 65mph with a few of the big open space states that go up to 75mph. While people typically do drive 70-80, most people don't get experience driving 100, and the traffic certainly wouldn't have been giving way for him to be driving that fast in the left lane so he almost certainly would need to weave around.

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