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Comment Re:He watched Idiocracy (Score 1) 198

"Hey, guys, let this dumbass out!"

Every day it seems more like a documentary. At least this time it wasn't Americans being the complete idiots.

Coming soon. When Obama leaves I'm sure he'll empty the prisons again just like Bill did his last few days. I'm sure he'll release the worst of the worst. Just like he released 5 worst of the worst for a deserter. A guy we should hang, hang 'em high! At least 13 people died looking for him.

Comment Re: Legal (Score 1) 181

No it's not. It's leftist. Remark by Stalin. They asked him where it was, he said to the right. He meant to the right of Communism. Not the right of center. Still part of the wacko left. Don't believe me? Check out what they're about. Check out what the right is about. It's clear.

I used to think they were to the right also. Then I studied it in history. Now I know only stupid people think it's to the right. Not as in unintelligent, stupid as in they simply don't know. They're in a stupor.

Comment Re:Sexist devs? (Score 1) 326

In a word - no. The story should have remained. To delete it over his views on gender equality was totally inappropriate, and downright wrong. We can have opinions and we should have opinions. We shouldn't bash someone like that. Didn't like it when people bashed gay people, don't like it when the gays bash straight people.

We're getting into the thought police. Dangerous place to be. Next thing you know, we won't be any better than the crazy fascist islamists/socialists. Then the killing starts. Of course it goes into irony when those who are killing others get caught and killed also.

Just stop. Stop it now. End censorship.

Comment Re:How sad. (Score 1) 326

Not that this would stop a stupid guy who is there to "enforce" this ban. Understand that guy could be the president of RSA. Look at what the idiot running Starbucks did recently. Yea, I could have told him his quest for race relations was a really, really, really stupid one. PC crap. I think we engraved that one on his head.

Now, where is this lovely 6' blond blue eyed chick with a masters!

Comment Re:Bummer (Score 1) 326

You're new to this, aren't you? I remember when I was a noob. Didn't matter where, government, local, fed, private industry, etc.. Term is "short skirt sale." Yes, that piece of crap that the only reason why we have it is because a hot chick sold it.

In fact I'm dealing with that crap right now. Of course, they don't want to admit it was a short skirt sale.

Comment Re:Still not as bad as Perkin-Elmer... (Score 1) 133

...who ground the Hubble mirror wrong because the primary measuring instrument said it was right, even though two independent test instruments said it was wrong...

Also not true. Nasa could have checked the mirror on the ground. I understand it would have cost about 30K to do that. Since they were sure it was right, and nobody noticed the cone divit was reversed, why bother? I know one of the guys that found the problem and fixed it. He explained in detail, way more than I wanted to know.

Comment Re:Leave then (Score 1) 886

I understand the reasoning behind this since I've felt the same way in the past, but then this reopens the door to "Well we don't serve blacks at our restaurant, you'll have to eat somewhere else." Any privately owned business that provides services to the general public is not allowed to discriminate as to who they serve.

And seriously what's the big deal? A customer comes in and wants a cake, you bake cakes, why does it matter if you're baking a cake for a straight marriage, a gay marriage or even a bar mitzvah? They're not asking you to officiate the wedding, they're not asking you to get married with them, and unless they're asking for a cake with two guys fucking on it, I don't see why it matters.

Not true. You can't discriminate against a protected group. Homosexuality isn't protected. Race is. If they want that, get it through Congress.

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